Catalog - Globigerina edita Catalog - Globigerina edita

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina edita Subbotina 1953

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Globigerina edita

Citation: Globigerina edita Subbotina 1953
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: 3975
Type age (chronostrat): Zone of rotaliform Globorotalia (Danian Stage),
Type locality: Kuban River section, North Caucasus
Type repository: St. Petersburg, Russia; VNIGRI

Current identification/main database link: Eoglobigerina edita (Subbotina 1953)

Original Description

Shell small, rounded, with tall spiral consisting of 2½-3 whorls. The last whorl is made up of 4 1/2-5 spherical chambers, usually of almost equal size. Peripheral margin rounded, scalloped. The most characteristic feature of this species is the turret-like dorsal surface which is associated with the large size of the chambers in the earlier whorls.

The ventral side is feebly convex compared with the dorsal. The umbilicus is small and shallow but distinct. The chambers of the early whorls are compactly arranged and closely packed together, those of the last whorl are arranged much more freely giving a scalloped appearance to the peripheral margin. Sutures deep, slightly curved. The orifice has the form of a small slit which extends along the marginal suture. Walls smooth, with small pores.

Mean dimensions: diameter 0.25 mm, thickness 0.15 mm.

Extra details from original publication
The smallest specimens of this species do not have as well expressed high spirals as the largest specimens. Moreover, the chambers in small specimens are not equal in size in the final whorl and are more loosely connected with one another than in large specimens. Small specimens are strongly reminiscent of Globigerina compressa var. pseudobulloides Plummer, but the latter differs in the very low spiral, the oval outline of the test, and in the flattened chambers, particularly on the dorsal side of the test.

The high spiral of the test makes this species close to Globigerina trivialis Subbotina; however, the latter has only four chambers in the final whorl, these chambers strongly differing in size from each other.


Subbotina, N. N. (1953). Foraminiferes fossiles d'URSS Globigerinidae, Globorotaliidae, Hantkeninidae. Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres. 2239: 1-144. gs


Globigerina edita compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 19-2-2025

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