CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina galapagosensis McCulloch 1977
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Citation: Globigerina galapagosensis McCulloch 1977taxonomic rank: speciesType specimens: holotype (pl 171 fig. 8), AHF 2515. desc on p. 413Type age (chronostrat): RecentType locality: In 175 fms. on Velero Station 474, 0°24'S, 89°32'W, and in 160 fms. on Station 488; off Hood (Española) Island; also in 11-250 fms. on 13 other Stations off Bindloe (Marchena), Charles (Floreana), Chat ham (San Cristóbal), Duncan (Pinzón), Indefatigable (Santa Cruz), James (Santiago), Tower (Genovese) and Wenman Islands, Galápagos; also in 10-20 fms. on three Stations off Ecuador; also in 52-175 fms on six Stations off the coast of southern California; also in shallow water off Clipperton Isdland, Pacific Ocean.Type repository: Los Angeles, Univ Southern California, Allan Hancock Foundation
Original Description Test free, calcareous, compressed roughly circular in contour, trochospiral, periphery broadly rounded lobulate; wall thick showing large pits to form a minute reticulated pat tern for en tire sur face; about two whorls of chambers al most globose in end view elongate ovate in side view, rapidly increasing in size; dorsal side comparitively flat, ventral side umbilicate with extra umbilicate aperture extending more than half way forward at suture of last formed chamber (8c); sutures much depressed, radiate to curved. Size: Holotype (fig. 8) 0.625 x 0.615 x 0.475mm. Extra details from original publication This is another species belonging to the group of Globigerina conglomerata Schwager, 1866, Globigerina eggeri Rhumbler 1901, Globigerina eggeriformis McCulloch, 1977, and like G. eggeriformis all were originally labelled as G. conglomerata. On the basis of characters used to differentiate G. eggeri from G. conglomerata the present species is distinct from others in its apertural structure and organization of chambers. The records are almost entirely centered in Galápagos area.
McCulloch, I. A. (1977). Qualitative observations on Recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on the eastern Pacific (3 vols). University of Southern California, Los Angeles. -. gs
Globigerina galapagosensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 9-9-2024
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Mar 2018
galapagosensis is certainly the correct spelling but I don't have the original source to check.
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Comments (2)
galapagosensis is certainly the correct spelling but I don't have the original source to check.
Corrected (after checking!) - another typo Jeremy