Catalog - Globigerinopsis Catalog - Globigerinopsis


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Globigerinopsis aguasayensis Bolli 1962

Globigerinopsis aguasayensis subsp. moderiapertura Fordham 1986

Globigerinopsis grilli Schmid 1967

Globigerinopsis guhai Raju 1971

Globigerinopsis martinkayei Bolli 1962


Citation: Globigerinopsis Bolli 1962
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Globigerinopsis aguasayensis, Bolli 1962
Type age (chronostrat): Middle Miocene

Current identification:

Original Description

Test free, trochospiral. Chambers spherical to ovate. Sutures depressed, radial or oblique. Wall calcareous, perforate, radial in structure. Surface smooth, pitted, cancellate, hispid or spinose. Aperture interiomarginal, umbilical in early stage, later becoming interiomarginal, spiroumbilical.

Extra details from original publication
Stratigraphic range. - Globigerinopsis, n. gen., is known to occur in the Miocene Globorotalia fohsi robusta zone. This is based on the co-occurrence of the new genus with Globorotalia fohsi robusta in a sample from beds equivalent to the Bao formation in the Dominican Republic (for details of the locality see under the description of Globigerinopsis aguasayensis). Observations in subsurface sections of the Oficina formation in eastern Venezuela also point to such an age of the new genus. Because only ditch samples were available from these sections, results are not sufficiently precise to determine whether the range of Globigerinopsis is equal to or represents only part of that of the zonal marker Globorotalia fohsi robusta or may possibly even extend somewhat below and above the zone. Surprisingly, Globigerinopsis has so far not been found in the Globorotalia fohsi robusta zone of the Cipero formation of Trinidad. Planktonic Foraminifera are much more abundant in the Cipero formation, which represents a deeper, clear water, more open sea deposit than does the Oficina formation of eastern Venezuela. If Globigerinopsis is really absent from the Cipero formation, one might therefore conclude that the genus prefers a shallower, possibly somewhat turbid environment. Also the Dominican Republic fauna with which Globigerinopsis is associated differs from the Cipero fauna in that it contains a higher percentage of benthonic Foraminifera and thus shows more similarity to the Brasso fauna, of identical age, in Trinidad.

Remarks. - Globigerinopsis, n. gen., differs from Globigerina in having in its adult stage an interiomarginal, spiroumbilical aperture instead of an interiomarginal, umbilical one. The new genus differs from Hastigerina in remaining distinctly trochospiral throughout instead of being planispiral throughout or only very slightly trochospiral in the early stage and later becoming planispiral. Globigerinopsis, n. gen., differs from Hastigerinella in having spherical or ovate chambers throughout instead of the later chambers becoming radially elongate, clávate or cylindrical.


Bolli, H. M. (1962). Globigerinopsis, a new genus of the foraminiferal family Globigerinidae. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 55: 282-284. gs


Globigerinopsis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-12-2024

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