Catalog - Globoquadrina kagaensis Catalog - Globoquadrina kagaensis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globoquadrina kagaensis Maiya, Saito, & Sato 1976

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> G -> Globoquadrina -> Globoquadrina kagaensis
Other pages this level: G. altispira conica, G. altispira globosa, G. asanoi, G. dehiscens praedehiscens, G. globularis, G. himiensis, G. kagaensis, G. langhiana, G. larmeui, G. obesa, G. pachyderma pacifica, G. palmerae, G. patriciae, G. pozonensis, G. primitiva, G. pseudofoliata, G. quadraria advena, G. sellii, G. subdehiscens, G. tripartita laxispira, G. tripartita tricamerata

Globoquadrina kagaensis

Citation: Globoquadrina kagaensis Maiya, Saito, & Sato 1976
Taxonomic rank: species
Type sample (& lithostrat): sample N-YB-65; lower part of the Yabuta Formation.
Type age (chronostrat): Pliocene
Type locality: sea cliff on the eastern coast of Noto Peninsula, about 1 km, north of Ozaki. Himi City, Toyama Prefecture (text-figure 2); Pliocene
Type repository: Tokyo, Japan; National Science Museum

Linked specimens: USNM-245254

Current identification/main database link: Neogloboquadrina dutertrei (d’Orbigny, 1839)

Original Description

Test free, coiled in a low trochospire with 14 to 15 chambers in all arranged in about two and one-half whorls, four to four and one-half in the final whorl; earlier whorls distinctly high trochospiral, protruding conically on the spiral side; chambers subspherical to ovate, gradually increasing in size as added; equatorial profile subrhomboidal to subquadrate, equatorial periphery lobulate; axial periphery broadly rounded; sutures of the spiral side depressed and nearly radial; sutures of the umbilical side strongly depressed and becoming nearly incised toward the umbil icus, radial to slightly curved; umbilicus fairly wide and deep; aperture interiomarginal, umbilical extraumbilical, low-arched with a distinct toothlike flap; wall calcareous, coarsely pitted; surface granular in appearance.

Maximum diameters: Holotype (plate 3, figures 6a-6c). 0.43 mm.; paratype (plate 3, figures 4a-4b) 0.52 mm.; other unfigured paratypes range from 0.43 mm, to 0.53 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: This species is distinguished from Globoquadrina asanoi, n, sp., by having an aperture that is approaching an umbilical-extraumbilical position, subrhomboidal to subquadrate equatorial periphery, and the last whorl often consisting of four and one-half chambers instead of four as in G. asanoi.


Maiya, S., Saito, T. & Sato, T. (1976). Late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of northwest Pacific sedimentary sequences. In, Takayanagi, Y. & Saito, T. (eds) Progress in Micropaleontology. Micropaleontology Press, New York 395-422. gs


Globoquadrina kagaensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 18-2-2025

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