Catalog - Globoquadrina patriciae Catalog - Globoquadrina patriciae

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globoquadrina patriciae McCulloch 1977

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> G -> Globoquadrina -> Globoquadrina patriciae
Other pages this level: G. altispira conica, G. altispira globosa, G. asanoi, G. dehiscens praedehiscens, G. globularis, G. himiensis, G. kagaensis, G. langhiana, G. larmeui, G. obesa, G. pachyderma pacifica, G. palmerae, G. patriciae, G. pozonensis, G. primitiva, G. pseudofoliata, G. quadraria advena, G. sellii, G. subdehiscens, G. tripartita laxispira, G. tripartita tricamerata

Globoquadrina patriciae

Citation: Globoquadrina patriciae McCulloch 1977
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: holotype (fig. 9), AHF 2775.
Type age (chronostrat): Recent
Type locality: In shallow water on Velero Station 601, off Funchal, Madeira.
Type repository: Los Angeles, Univ Southern California, Allan Hancock Foundation

Current identification/main database link: Globorotalia hirsuta (d’Orbigny, 1839)

Original Description

Test free, calcareous, auriculate, trochospiral, biconvex, periph ery rounded, lobulate; wall punctate, minutely hispid opaque to semihyaline; dorsal side almost evolute with a coil of 7 visible compressed globose chambers increasing rapidly in size with outer peripheral area of each be coming compressed into a narrow rounded areas each chamber being oriented at an angle of almost 90 degrees in relation to that of preceding one cre ating a lobed edge view roughly triangular in shape; ventral view in volute showing an umbilicate aperture for last formed chamber and rem nant of preceding one apparently non-functional. 

Holotype (fig. 9) 0.535 x 0.490 x 0.385mm.

Extra details from original publication
This species differs from Globoquadrina dehiscens (Chapman, Parr and Collins= Globorotalia dehiscens Chapman, Parr and Collins, 1934), in the shape of the chambers and in its tendency to orient its chambers at a distinct angle in relation to that of preceding chamber.


McCulloch, I. A. (1977). Qualitative observations on Recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on the eastern Pacific (3 vols). University of Southern California, Los Angeles. -. gs


Globoquadrina patriciae compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 18-2-2025

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