Catalog - Globoquadrina tripartita tricamerata Catalog - Globoquadrina tripartita tricamerata

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globoquadrina tripartita subsp. tricamerata Fordham 1986

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Globoquadrina tripartita tricamerata

Citation: Globoquadrina tripartita subsp. tricamerata Fordham 1986
Taxonomic rank: sub-species
Type specimens: UQF 71392.
Type age (chronostrat): Globorotalia mayeri zone; middle Miocene.
Type locality: DSDP 208-18-2 1-3 cm.
Type repository: Brisbane, Australia; U Queensland Univ.

Current identification:

Original Description

Very large, robust; moderately elevated sinistral trochospire, moderately loosely coiled in later whorls, both parallel and perpendicular to axis. Equatorial outline weakly trilobate; lateral outline highly umbilicoconvex. Chambers ovate parallel to axis, extremely closely appressed, over 8 (137), 3 in final whorl, 3i in second-last whorl; increase moderately rapid until third-last chamber when much reduced. Dorsal view: chambers much longer concentrically, slightly inflated; sutures weakly depressed; intercameral sutures slightly anteriorly directed, recurved posteriorly close to periphery giving effect of lateral overlap by next chamber; chambers broadest posteriorly, thus increasing lobation. Ventral view: chambers vaulted halfway to umbilicus, thus leaving a wide umbilicus and reduced intercameral contact; intercameral sutures radial where present; aperture umbilical, covered by foreign material. Lateral view: dorsoperipheral shoulder smoothly rounded; ventral face slightly flattened; umbilical shoulder acute; apertural face steep. Wall cancellate with large, dense pores.

Length, 460 µm; width, 490 µm; height, 570 µm.

Latin. tres, three; camera (f.), chamber; -atus, provided with.

Extra details from original publication
Description based on: Six specimens.
Holotype fig.: Fordham 1986 Pl. 4, fig. 18.


Fordham, B. G. (1986). Miocene-Pleistocene planktic foraminifers from D.S.D.P. Sites 208 and 77, and phylogeny and classification of Cenozoic species. Queensland, Australia. (6): 1-224. gs


Globoquadrina tripartita tricamerata compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 18-2-2025

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