Catalog - Globorotalia troelseni Catalog - Globorotalia troelseni

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globorotalia troelseni Loeblich & Tappan 1957

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Globorotalia troelseni

Citation: Globorotalia troelseni Loeblich & Tappan 1957
taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Holotype (USNM P5687) Paratype (USNM P5896) from the Velasco formation
Type sample (& lithostrat): Ostrea thirsae beds, 56 feet above the Midway contact
Type age (chronostrat): Nanafalia formation
Type locality: road cut 1.2 mile east of Kimbrough Station and 0.2 mile east of the Turkey Creek bridge, Wilcox County, Alabama
Type repository: Washington; USNM

Linked specimens: USNM-473028 USNM-5896 USNM-5687

Current identification/main database link: Globanomalina chapmani (Parr 1938)

Original Description

Test free, medium sized, compressed trochospiral, 1½ to 2 whorls visible on the spiral side with the early spire somewhat depressed, umbilical side with an open umbilicus with portions of earlier whorls visible within, due to the tendency of the final whorl to uncoil slightly and appear somewhat evolute, periphery subacute with a slight keel, peripheral margin lobulate; 5 to 6 chambers in the final whorl, moderately inflated, of nearly equal breadth and height, increasing gradually in size as added; sutures distinct, depressed, gently curved on the spiral side, nearly radial on the umbilical side; wall calcareous, distinctly perforate, surface smooth; aperture interiomarginal, extraumbilical-umbilical, a relatively high arch extending to the periphery, bordered above with a very narrow lip.

Holotype 0.26 mm. in greatest diameter.

This species is named in honor of Dr. John C. Troelsen. University of Copenhagen, Denmark, in recognition of his work on the Paleocene and lower Eocene Foraminifera.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: This species is characterized by its tendency to become evolute, so that the early whorls are visible from both the spiral and umbilical sides. It is closest in appearance to Globorotalia pseudomenardii Bolli, differing in the evolute tendency, and more numerous chambers, which are more equally inflated on the two sides. It has been observed only in the Nanafalia and Velasco formations.


Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1957b). Planktonic foraminifera of Paleocene and early Eocene Age from the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains. In, Loeblich, A. R. , Jr., Tappan, H., Beckmann, J. P., Bolli, H. M., Montanaro Gallitelli, E. & Troelsen, J. C. (eds) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin . 215: 173-198. gs


Globorotalia troelseni compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-10-2024

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