select * from moduleUsers where username='anyone' Catalog - Globorotaloides Catalog - Globorotaloides


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Globorotaloides atlanticus Spezzaferri & Coxall, in Coxall & Spezzaferri 2018
= Globorotaloides atlanticus
Globorotaloides carcoselleensis Toumarkine & Bolli 1975
= Turborotalita carcoselleensis
Globorotaloides eovariabilis Huber & Pearson, in Olsson et al. 2006
= Globorotaloides eovariabilis
Globorotaloides falconarae Gianelli & Salvatorini 1976

Globorotaloides indigena subsp. anavenezuelana Fordham 1986

Globorotaloides indigena subsp. redissimilis Fordham 1986

Globorotaloides parvulus subsp. anasuteri Fordham 1986

Globorotaloides parvulus subsp. lateraliaperturus Fordham 1986

Globorotaloides quadrocameratus Olsson, Pearson & Huber 2006
= Globorotaloides quadrocameratus
Globorotaloides suteri Bolli 1957
= Globorotaloides suteri
Globorotaloides suteri relizensis Bandy, Ingle, & Wright 1971

Globorotaloides trema Lipps 1964

Globorotaloides variabilis Bolli 1957
= Globorotaloides variabilis


Citation: Globorotaloides Bolli 1957
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Globorotaloides variabilis Bolli 1957

Current identification/main database link: Globorotaloides Bolli, 1957

Original Description

Test free, trochospiral, chambers ovate to spherical, sutures depressed, surface smooth or pitted; primary aperture in the early stage interiomarginal, umbihcalextraumbilical, later becoming umbilical. Ultimate chamber often smaller than penultimate, may cover part or entire umibilicus and become almost indistinguishable from a bulla. This ultimate chamber normally has a single aperture though multiple ones may occur.

Extra details from original publication
RemarksGloborotaloides, new genus, shows in stages the characteristic feature of three planktonic genera. The first stage is that of a Globorotalia with a distinct interiomarginal, umbilical-extraumbilical primary aperture, followed by a Globigerina-like stage, where the aperture becomes umbilical. The presence of a bullalike final chamber covering a part or the whole umbilicus indicates the final Catapsydrax-like stage. Specimens featuring the early Globorotalia stage only (pl. 27, figs. 15b, 17b) or the following Globigerina-like stage (pl. 27, fig. 19b) were found commonly in the samples studied. The close relationship of these stages with the fully developed Globorotaloides becomes evident when studying a large number of specimens. The mature stage does not depend on the size of the specimen; it may be found in small and large forms. In small specimens with a bulla-like final chamber (pl. 27, fig. 16b) the Globigerina stage may be missing. Globorotaloides, new genus, differs from Globorotalia in the interiomarginal umbilical position of the primary aperture in the final chamber and in the possession of a bulla-like small chamber that covers part or all of the umbilicus.


Bolli, H. M. (1957b). Planktonic foraminifera from the Oligocene-Miocene Cipero and Lengua formations of Trinidad, B.W.I. In, Loeblich, A. R. , Jr., Tappan, H., Beckmann, J. P., Bolli, H. M., Montanaro Gallitelli & E. Troelsen, J. C. (eds) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin . 215: 97-123. gs


Globorotaloides compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-1-2025

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