CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana (Thalmanninella) ticinensis subticinensis Gandolfi 1957
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Citation: Globotruncana (Thalmanninella) ticinensis subticinensis Gandolfi 1957taxonomic rank: sub-speciesType specimens: Not availableType age (chronostrat): Late AlbianType locality: Along the Breggia river near Chiasso, in the southern-most part of Canton Ticino, Switzerland.Type repository: Basel, CH; Institut de Geologie, Universite de Basle, Swisse
Original Description This new subspecies is proposed for tests of Globotruncana (Thalmanninella) ticinensis Gandolfi with a partially developed keel. It serves as a link between the completely keeled form of Globotruncana (thalmanninella) ticinensis and Globotruncana (Ticinella) roberti (Gandolfi) [Anomalina roberti, 1942] (see Gandolfi, 1942, op.cit., p. 135, and Reichel, 1950, Eclogae Geol. Helv., vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 600-601). This subspecies, however, needs a new description, because Gandolfi (1942, op. cit., p. 113) states that Globotruncana ticinensis var. a has beaded sutures restricted to the inner coils of the test. The type description of the new subspecies, therefore, is as follows: "Test rotaliform, similar to that of Globotruncana (Thalmanninella) ticinesis Gandolfi subsp. ticinensis Gandolfi, with a single-keeled test and beaded sutures in the early stages (inner coils) only. the keel is thicker than that in the type, with coarser papillae (see Reichel, 1950, op. cit., p. 604). Chambers in the last coil inflated and with a rounded periphery. Faint indications of beaded sutures in the earliest chambers of the last coil. "A good illustration of the form showing apertural details is given by Reichel (1950, op. cit., pl. 16, fig. 2 [as Globotruncana (Thalmanninella) ticinensis var. a).
Gandolfi, R. (1957). Notes on some species of Globotruncana. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 8(2): 59-65. gs
Globotruncana (Thalmanninella) ticinensis subticinensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 10-9-2024
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Le Coze
Aug 2017
Le Coze
Original name: Globotruncana (Thalmanninella) ticinensis subsp. subticinensis Gandolfi, 1957
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Comments (2)
Original name: Globotruncana (Thalmanninella) ticinensis subsp. subticinensis Gandolfi, 1957
thanks - I've renamed it now