Catalog - Hastigerininae Catalog - Hastigerininae

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Hastigerininae Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan 1957

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Citation: Hastigerininae Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan 1957
Taxonomic rank: subfamily
Type species: Hastigerina Thomson, 1876.
Type age (chronostrat): Eocene to Recent

Current identification/main database link: Hastigerinidae Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan, 1957

Original Description

Coiling of test planispiral; chambers spherical to clavate; primary aperture equatorial, no secondary apertures present.

Editors' Notes
The subfamily was emended by Banner & Blow 1959 and discussed at length by Banner & Blow 1960


Banner, F. T. & Blow, W. H. (1959). The classification and stratigraphical distribution of the Globigerinaceae. Palaeontology. 2(1): 1-27. gs

Banner, F. T. & Blow, W. H. (1960b). The taxonomy, morphology and affinities of the genera included in the subfamily Hastigerininae. Micropaleontology. 6(1): 19-31. gs

Bolli, H. M., Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1957). Planktonic foraminiferal families Hantkeninidae, Orbulinidae, Globorotaliidae and Globotruncanidae. In, Loeblich, A. R. , Jr., Tappan, H., Beckmann, J. P., Bolli, H. M., Montanaro Gallitelli, E. & Troelsen, J. C. (eds) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin . 215: 3-50. gs


Hastigerininae compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025

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