Catalog - Orbulinoides Catalog - Orbulinoides

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Orbulinoides Cordey, 1968, emended Proto Decima&Bolli, 1970

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> O -> Orbulinoides
Other pages this level: Obandyella, Orbulina, Orbulinoides, Orcadia


Citation: Orbulinoides Cordey, 1968, emended Proto Decima&Bolli, 1970
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Porticulasphaera beckmanni Saito, 1962

Current identification/main database link: Orbulinoides Cordey, 1968, emended Proto Decima and Bolli, 1970

See also: Porticulasphaera beckmanni - type species;

Original Description

Description (from Blow & Saito 1968): Test free. subglobular to globular. Earlier chambers arranged in a trochospire. regularly coiling and comparatively slowly increasing in size as added. The last chamber rapidly enlarging, embracing the greater proportion of the earlier test, strongly inflated, almost spherical, and with numerous small apertures along the basal suture. No externally visible primary aperture. but supplementary apertures present in the dorsally exposed intercameral sutures of the penulti- mate and earlier chambers. The final chamber is not in the normal progression of the spire formed by the earlier chambers but is, with a change of the axis of coiling. placed obliquely across the umbilicus formed by the penultimate and the previous 2 or 3 chambers. Wall calcareous. perforate. radial hyaline.

Editors' Notes
The name Orbulinoides was first introduced by Cordey (1968) in reference to a full descrition from a paper in press by Blow & Saito, which however appeared subsequently (Blow & Saito 1968).


Blow, W. H. & Saito, T. (1968). The morphology and taxonomy of Globigerina mexicana Cushman, 1925. Micropaleontology. 14(3): 357-360. gs

Cordey, W. G. (1968b). Morphology and phylogeny of Orbulinoides beckmannii (Saito 1962). Palaeontology. 11(3): 371-375. gs

Proto Decima, F. & Bolli, H. M. (1970). Evolution and variability of Orbulinoides beckmanni (Saito). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 63(3): 883-905. gs O

Saito, T. (1962a). Eocene planktonic foraminifera from Hahajima (Hillsborough Island). Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. 45: 209-225. gs


Orbulinoides compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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