Catalog - Pseudohastigerina Catalog - Pseudohastigerina

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Pseudohastigerina Banner & Blow 1959

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Pseudohastigerina acutimarginata Abdel-Kireem 1980
= Pseudohastigerina micra
Pseudohastigerina barbadoensis Blow 1969
= Pseudohastigerina naguewichiensis
Pseudohastigerina globulosa Hilllebrandt 1976
= Pseudoglobigerinella bolivariana
Pseudohastigerina pellucida Abdel-Kireem 1980
= Pseudohastigerina micra
Pseudohastigerina quadrata Abdel-Kireem 1980
= Pseudohastigerina micra
Pseudohastigerina sharkriverensis Berggren & Olsson, in Berggren et al.  1967
= Pseudohastigerina sharkriverensis
Pseudohastigerina sphaeroidalis Hillebrandt 1978
= Pseudoglobigerinella bolivariana


Citation: Pseudohastigerina Banner & Blow 1959
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Nonion micrus Cole 1927

Current identification/main database link: Pseudohastigerina Banner and Blow, 1959

See also: Nonion micrus - type species;

Original Description

Test planispirally coiled throughout in the megalospheric form, biumbilicate. Aperture is a low, intcriomarginal, equatorial, symmetrical arch, extending into the umbilici, not subdivided or elongate in the plane ofcoiling, furnished with an imperforate porticus. The porticus is narrowest at its mid-point (that is, in the part immediately above the periphery of the preceding whorl), and broadens slightly towards the dorsal and ventral umbilici. Very small relict apertures present at umbilical margins of last two or three chambers only, and the portici are only clearly visible on these chambers. The chambers are subglobular, or slightly depressed, and enlarge regularly; they are not radially elongate or furnished with tubulospines. The wall is uniformly perforate, with no imperforate peripheral bands or carinae, and more or less hispid; the hispidity usually becomes obsolete in the adult.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks. This genus is morphologically intermediate between the Planomalininae and the Hantkenininae. lt is distinguished from Planomalina (Globigerinelloides) by its strongly reduced relict apertures, and the consequent lack of visible portici except on the last few chambers. It diners from Schackoina (sensu lato) by its lack of radial extensions of the chambers, and by its true planispiral coiling in the megalosplleric form. Pseudohastigerina differs from the Hantkenininae (emended) by its lack of an apertural elongation in the plane of coiling, by its less strongly developed portici (which do not form distinct lateral nanges), and by its lack of chamber elongation or tubulospines. We believe that an (as yet) unrecorded species of this genus is probably ancestral to the Hantkenininae; greater development laterally of the portici. elongation of the aperture in the plane of coiling and the appearance of tubulospines would produce the subgenus Hantkenina (Aragonella); subsequent modification of the aperture would lead to Hantkenina sensu stricto and to Cribrohantkenina. Parallel modifications of the aperture, but associated with chamber elongation rather than with the development of tubulospines, probably gave rise to Clavigerinella.

Pseudohastigerina micra is hispid on the earliest parts of the last whorl: this is a feature common to the Globigerinaceae, and is distinct from Nonion, which is also clearly distinguished by its microgranular wall structure. An ancestral form to Pseudohastigerina may prove to be Protelphidium Haynes (1956, pp. 86 87). but the aperture is not adequately enough known in this genus to enable its relationships to be ascertained; Haynes (1956. pl. 16. fig. 9) illustrates the type species. P. hofkeri, as having a Nonion-like aperture without portici. Nonion sublaeve ten Dam, placed by Haynes in Protelphidium (op. cit., p. 87), seems unrelated to Pseudohastigerina.
Pseudohastigerina differs from Hastigerina by its true planispiral coiling throughout ontogeny, and by its possession of apertural portici.

Occurrence. Nonion micrus was first recorded from the Guayabal Formation of Mexico by Cote (1927, p. 22); he considered that this was probably equivalent to the Upper Claiborne, and is probably Middle Eoccnc in age. This species has been recorded sub- sequently from the higher parts of the Lower Eocene to the top of the Upper Eocene (e.g. Hornibrook 1958, pp. 29. 34 [as 'Globigerinella' iota (Finlay)]; Bolli 1957. p. 161: Subbotina 1953, p. 88; &c.). Bykova (1953. p. 86) has recorded G. micra (Cole) from beds in the Tadjikstan depression, which arc probably of Upper Palaeocene age; her specimen was not illustrated, however, and her determination cannot be checked. G. naguewichiensis Myatliuk probably belongs to this genus. but its age is not well known; Myatliuk (1950, p. 281) thought it to be possibly Oligocene. No species referable to this genus have been recorded from beds of other than Palaeogene age. Specimens of 'G. aspera (Ehrenberg) ', recorded by Haynes (1956, p. 98) from the Palaeocene Thanet Beds of East Kent, may prove to belong to Pseudohastigerina; his specimens require further study, but they may confirm the suspected Palaeocenc occurrence of this genus.


Banner, F. T. & Blow, W. H. (1959). The classification and stratigraphical distribution of the Globigerinaceae. Palaeontology. 2(1): 1-27. gs


Pseudohastigerina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 12-9-2024

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