Catalog - Ventilabrella Catalog - Ventilabrella


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Higher levels: pf_cat -> V -> Ventilabrella
Other pages this level: Vanhintella, Velapertina, Ventilabrella

Ventilabrella alpina de Klasz 1953
= Planoglobulina multicamerata
Ventilabrella austinana Cushman 1938
= Ventilabrella austinana
Ventilabrella bipartita de Klasz 1953
= Sigalia decoratissima
Ventilabrella browni Martin 1972
= Planoglobulina browni
Ventilabrella carseyae Plummer 1931
= Planoglobulina carseyae
Ventilabrella compressa Van der Sluis 1950
= Gublerina cuvillieri
Ventilabrella decoratissima De Klasz 1953
= Sigalia decoratissima
Ventilabrella eggeri Cushman 1928
= Ventilabrella eggeri
Ventilabrella eggeri glabrata Cushman 1938
= Ventilabrella eggeri
Ventilabrella manuelensis Martin 1972
= Planoglobulina manuelensis
Ventilabrella multicamerata De Klasz 1953
= Planoglobulina multicamerata
Ventilabrella ornatissima Cushman&Church 1929
= Ventilabrella ornatissima
Ventilabrella reniformis Marie 1941
= Laeviheterohelix reniformis
Ventilabrella riograndensis Martin 1972
= Planoglobulina riograndensis


Citation: Ventilabrella Cushman 1928
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Ventilabrella eggeri Cushman, 1928

Current identification/main database link: Ventilabrella Cushman 1928

Original Description

Test in the early stages biserial, later with an increase in the number of chambers, but all in one plane, spread out tn a fan-shape; chambers globular; wall calcareous, perforate, smooth or variously ornamented; aperture in the biserial stage, single at the base of the inner margin, in the adult two apertures in each chamber, at opposite sides near the base in the median line. Upper Cretaceous.

Extra details from original publication
The genus Planoglobulina Cushman closely resembles this genus, but the early development of the two is different. In Munich, I had the opportunity of studying Egger's collection containing his type and figured specimens, and among them, the species of Pseudotextularia and its allies from the Upper Cretaceous. The species of Egger upon which I based the genus Planoglobulina, Guembelina acervulinoides Egger, has developed as I stated from a Pseudotextularia-like young, the spiral form of the test very apparent in the specimen and not all in one plane, the later chambers finally developing a fan-shaped mass generally in a single plane. The type specimen is here designated as that figured on PI. xiv, fig. 20 of Egger's work (Abhandl. kon. Akad. Wiss. MUnchen, CI. II, vol. 21, pt. 1, 1899). Such species occur in the Mendez of Mexico, a forma- tion very closely like the Upper Cretaceous of Bavaria, and having most of its species identical with those of that region. This identity becomes very marked as one studies the European material and is much closer than the published figures might seem to indicate. Planoglobulina is therefore a genus directly derived from Pseudotextularia as is clearly shown in the type species. On the other hand Ventilabrella has developed a par- allel arrangement of chambers in the adult but a more precise mathematical series and a more rhomboid test and comes directly from Guembelina. Species of Ventilabrella occur often in great numbers in certain horizons of the Taylor Marl of Texas.


Cushman, J. A. (1928a). Additional genera of the foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 4(1): 1-8. gs

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Ventilabrella compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025

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