Catalog - Zeauvigerina Catalog - Zeauvigerina


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Zeauvigerina aegyptiaca Said&Kenawy 1956
= Zeauvigerina aegyptiaca
Zeauvigerina lodoensis Martin 1943
= Zeauvigerina lodoensis
Zeauvigerina parri Finlay 1939
= Zeauvigerina parri
Zeauvigerina teuria Finlay 1947
= Zeauvigerina teuria
Zeauvigerina zelandica Finlay 1939
= Zeauvigerina zelandica


Citation: Zeauvigerina Finlay, 1939
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Zeauvigerina zelandica Finlay 1939

Current identification/main database link: Zeauvigerina Finlay, 1939, emended by Huber and Boersma, 1994

See also: Zeauvigerina zelandica -type species;

Original Description

Genus similar to Eouvigerina in size, biserial arrangement of most chambers and spout-like uvigerine aperture, but differing in first and last stages. The early chambers show not the slightest trace, even in the microspheric form, of spiroplectine coiling; the final chambers have no tendency to become irregularly triserial, the whole test being regularly bolivine throughout.

The general similarities to Eouvigerina (especially of the aspera and gracilis type, which have somewhat the same ornament) are so marked that close relationship must surely exist. If so, the elision of the theoretical coiled early chambers and the more settled and compact development throughout is probably due to the later appearance in time of this genus, Eouvigerina proper being an Upper Cretaceous form, while the New Zealand development is Upper Middle Eocene.


Finlay, H. J. (1939d). New Zealand Foraminifera: The Occurrence of Rzehakina, Hantkenina, Rotaliatina, and Zeauvigerina. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 68(4): 534-543. gs


Zeauvigerina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-2-2025

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