Original description: Als neue Art muss die Formengruppe gelten, die Lapparent 1918 als Rosalina linnei beschrieb und bei der er mehrere Variationen unterscheiden konnte. Da weder der Typus noch die Variationen sich mit der Gl. linneiana d'Orb. decken, muss diese Form neu benannt werden. Ich schlage den Namen Globotruncana lapparenti n. sp. vor. Dieser Art gehren wahrscheinlich die von Cushman (1932, loc. cit.) gegebenen Gl. canaliculata-Formen an.
Entries in the Catalog of original descriptions: Globotruncana lapparenti, Globotruncana lapparenti inflata, Rosalinella lapparenti
Emended description:
* Pessagno's emended description actually says 4-5 chambers per whorl, but this appears to be typo since the specimens illustrated by Pessagno have 5-6 chambers in the final whorl, as do other illustrated specimens of the species. [BH Jun 2020, following comment of Chengje Liu]
Character matrix
test outline: | Subcircular | chamber arrangement: | Trochospiral | edge view: | Equally biconvex | aperture: | Umbilical |
sp chamber shape: | Subtriangular | coiling axis: | Moderate | periphery: | Double keel | aperture border: | Tegilla |
umb chbr shape: | - | umbilicus: | Wide | periph margin shape: | Subangular | accessory apertures: | Intralaminal |
spiral sutures: | Raised beaded | umb depth: | Deep | wall texture: | Finely pustulose | shell porosity: | - |
umbilical or test sutures: | - | final-whorl chambers: | 5.5-7 | N.B. These characters are used for advanced search. N/A - not applicable |
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within A. mayaroensis zone (67.64-69.27Ma, top in Maastrichtian stage). Data source: [copied from Chronos database]
First occurrence (base): within D. asymetrica zone (83.65-85.60Ma, base in Santonian stage). Data source: [copied from Chronos database]
Plot of range and occurrence data:
Brotzen, F. (1936b). Foraminiferen aus dem Schwedischen Untersten Senon von Eriksdal in Schonen. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Series C. (396): 1-206. gs Caron, M. (1985). Cretaceous planktic foraminifera. In, Bolli, H. M., Saunders, J. B. & Perch-Nielsen, K. (eds) Plankton Stratigraphy. CUP, Cambridge 17-86. gs Herb, R. (1974). Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the eastern Indian Ocean. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 26: 745-796. gs Pessagno, E. A. (1967). Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the western Gulf Coastal Plain. Palaeontographica Americana. 5: 245-445. gs O Postuma, J. A. (1971). Manual of planktonic foraminifera. Elsevier for Shell Group, The Hague. 1-406. gsReferences:
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Globotruncana lapparenti compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025
Short stable page link: Go to to create a permanent copy of this page - citation notes |
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Comments (6)
Apertures of the final chambers in the figures of Herb, 1974, pl. 6. figs. 9-11, and Pessagno, 1971, p.049.jpg and Pessagno, 1969, pl71 06-8.jpg and 09-11.jpg appear to be umbilical - extraumbilical in position? They open over the wall of the first partly exposed chamber in the final whorl (on the umbilical side). So, what is the difference between these morphotypes and Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana?
Sorry this comment got overlooked. Brian Huber needs to answer it, so I will ask him to take a look.
G. lapparenti was described in thin section and the emendation of Pessagno not really solved its taxonomic position. The separation between G. lapparenti and M. pseudolinneiana in washed residues is very difficult and impossible, especially if we consider the morphological variability of M. pseudolinneiana concerning the number of chambers in the last whorl and the size of the umbilical area.
In my opinion, Pessagno’s emended description of G. lapparenti perfectly fits with the description of G. linneiana.
I agree that the images of Pessagno are misleading as the illustrated specimens are very close to M. pseudolinneiana and only differ by having closely spaced keels on the last chamber.
Personally I never use the species G. lapparenti because I am not able to identify this species in the assemblages. I usually include these morphotypes in M. pseudolinneiana or in G. linneiana according to the size of the umbilicus and the position of the primary aperture.
The emended description says "4-5 chambers in final whorl", but all illustrations show 5.5-6 chambers.
The emended description is quoted from Pessagno (1967) but none of his illustrated specimens show fewer than 5 chambers in the final whorl. The emendation should corrected to say "5-6 chambers in final whorl".
i have now edited the text to give the correct chamber now and added a note below to explain why. Jeremy