pforams@mikrotax - Globotruncana rugosa pforams@mikrotax - Globotruncana rugosa

Globotruncana rugosa

Classification: pf_mesozoic -> Globotruncanidae -> Globotruncana -> Globotruncana rugosa
Sister taxa: G. aegyptiaca, G. arca, G. bulloides, G. dalbiezi, G. dupeublei, G. esnehensis, G. falsostuarti, G. hilli, G. lapparenti, G. linneiana, G. mariei, G. neotricarinata, G. orientalis, G. rosetta, G. rugosa, G. ventricosa, G. sp.


Citation: Globotruncana rugosa (Marie, 1941)
Taxonomic rank: species
Basionym: Rosalinella rugosa
Synonyms: Globotruncana churchi; Globotruncana pustulifera

Type images:

Original description: Test épais, à côté spiral fortement convexe et côté ventral tronconique, à ombilic large et profond. Loges à surface plane, semi-circulaires du côté dorsal, légèrement reniformes et nettement inclinées sur la périphérie du côté ombilical et bordées sur leurs deux faces par des bourrelets entièrement visibles. Bandeau carénal périphérique, composé d'éléments rectangulaires, juxtaposés les uns à la suite des autres et limités à l'extérieur des loges, par deux carènes sensiblement parallèles. Parois finement perforées. Surface rugueuse et pustuleuse du côté spiral, au-dessus des premiers tours de spire, unie et presque lisse, sur le dernier tour et sur le côté ombilical.<br><br>

Translated from French: Test thick with a strongly convex spiral side, a truncate cone-shaped ventral side and a broad deep umbilicus. Chambers with a flat surface, semicircular on the dorsal side,on the umbilical side slightly reniform , clearly tilted at their periphery and bordered on both sides by fully visible ridges. Carinal peripheral band made of rectangular parts, one following the other and bounded on the chamber outside by two roughly parallel keels. Walls finely perforate. Chamber surface rugose and pustulose on the spiral side, above the first whorls of the spire, uniform and almost smooth in the last whorl and on the umbilical side.

Entries in the Catalog of original descriptions: Rosalinella rugosa, Globotruncana churchi, Globotruncana pustulifera

Character matrix
test outline:Lobatechamber arrangement:Trochospiraledge view:Spiroconvexaperture:Umbilical
sp chamber shape:Petaloidcoiling axis:Highperiphery:Double keelaperture border:Tegilla
umb chbr shape:Trapezoidalumbilicus:Narrowperiph margin shape:Subangularaccessory apertures:Intralaminal
spiral sutures:Raised beadedumb depth:Deepwall texture:Mod. Pustuloseshell porosity:Finely Perforate: 1-2.5µm
umbilical or test sutures:Moderately depressedfinal-whorl chambers:5-7 N.B. These characters are used for advanced search. N/A - not applicable

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within R. calcarata zone (75.06-75.91Ma, top in Campanian stage). Data source: [copied from Chronos database]
First occurrence (base): within G. ventricosa zone (76.18-79.20Ma, base in Campanian stage). Data source: [copied from Chronos database]

Plot of range and occurrence data:


Almogi-Labin, A., Reiss, Z & Caron, M. (1986). Senonian globotruncanidae from Israel. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 79(3): 849-895. gs O

Marie, P. (1941). Les foraminiferes de la craie a Belemnitella mucronata du Bassin de Paris. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. 12: 1-296. gs O


Globotruncana rugosa compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025

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