pforams@mikrotax - Gublerina pforams@mikrotax - Gublerina


Classification: pf_mesozoic -> Heterohelicidae -> Gublerina
Sister taxa: Heterohelix, Spiroplecta ⟩⟨ Braunella, Hendersonites, Huberella, Laeviheterohelix, Planoheterohelix, Protoheterohelix, Pseudoguembelina, Pseudotextularia ⟩⟨ Planoglobulina, Ventilabrella, Gublerina, Praegublerina, Sigalia, Racemiguembelina ⟩⟨ Lunatriella, Rectoguembelina, Zeauvigerina
Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)
Gublerina cuvillieri

Gublerina rajagopalani

Gublerina sp.
Specimens which cannot be assigned to established species


Citation: Gublerina Kikoine 1948
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Gublerina cuvillieri Kikoine, 1948

Original description: Se différencie totalement de tous les autres genres d'Heterohelicidae par son espace intercalaire déprimé et non pourvu de loges.

Entries in the Catalog of original descriptions: Gublerina

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Heterohelicidae): Aperture symmetrical, ranging from a low slit to a high arch at the base of the final chamber, becoming terminal in uniserial taxa.
This taxon: Test flabelliform, the 2 rows of chambers diverge leaving nonseptate central space that later is partially occupied by chamber proliferation.

Test compressed, flabelliform, early stage planispiral, later biserial and increasing rapidly in breadth, the two series of chambers diverging to leave a broad nonseptate central area that later is partially occupied by chamber proliferation, sutures depressed; wall calcareous, finely perforate, ornamented with longitudinal costae and nodes, most prominently in the early stage; aperture an arch at the base of the final chamber.

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of A. mayaroensis zone (100% up, 67.6Ma, in Maastrichtian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within G. ventricosa zone (76.18-79.20Ma, base in Campanian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of range and occurrence data:


Kikoine, J. (1948). Les Heterohelicidae du Crétacé supérieur pyrénéen. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. 18(1-3): 15-35. gs

Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1988). Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification (Volume I-II). Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. 1-1059. gs


Gublerina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-9-2024

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Comments (2)

Le Coze

Ref.: Kikoine, J. (1948). Les Heterohelicidae du Crétacé supérieur pyrénéen. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. ser. 5, 18(1-3): 15-35.

Jeremy Young(UK)

Thanks, that is being done now