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Classification: pf_mesozoic -> Heterohelicidae -> Lunatriella
Sister taxa: Heterohelix, Spiroplecta ⟩⟨ Braunella, Hendersonites, Huberella, Laeviheterohelix, Planoheterohelix, Protoheterohelix, Pseudoguembelina, Pseudotextularia ⟩⟨ Planoglobulina, Ventilabrella, Gublerina, Praegublerina, Sigalia, Racemiguembelina ⟩⟨ Lunatriella, Rectoguembelina, Zeauvigerina
Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)
Lunatriella spinifera

Lunatriella sp.
Specimens which cannot be assigned to established species


Citation: Lunatriella Eicher&Worstell 1970
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Lunatriella spinifera Eicher and Worstell, 1970

Original description: Test elongate; initial portion of nearly equi dimensional chambers arranged biserially like Heterohelix; later portion composed of vertically elongated chambers which form an irregularly uniserial pattern; sutures depressed: later chambers with or without spinelike lateral projections; aperture in early biserial chambers a high arch with lateral apertural lips: aperture in elongate later chambers terminal, the lateral apertural lips merging below the aperture into a troughlike projection which is attached to the preceding chamber; wall of radia lly arranged calcite, finely perforate.

Entries in the Catalog of original descriptions: Lunatriella

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Heterohelicidae): Aperture symmetrical, ranging from a low slit to a high arch at the base of the final chamber, becoming terminal in uniserial taxa.
This taxon: Initially biserial, later chambers elongated and arranged in an irregular uniserial pattern

Test elongate, early chambers subglobular, inflated, and biserially arranged, later chambers more elongate and cuneate to nearly uniserial and rectilinear, the final one or more chambers commonly with an elongate tubulospinelike lateral projection, sutures depressed; wall calcareous, of optically radial calcite, finely perforate; aperture a high interiomarginal arch with narrow bordering lip in the early biserial chambers, in later uniserial chambers the aperture is terminal and the bordering lips merge to form a trough with lateral buttresses that connects directly to the preceding chamber.

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of W. archaeocretacea zone (100% up, 93.5Ma, in Turonian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within W. archaeocretacea zone (93.52-94.03Ma, base in Cenomanian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of range and occurrence data:


Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1988). Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification (Volume I-II). Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. 1-1059. gs


Lunatriella compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 21-1-2025

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