Original description: Medium to large-sized low trochospiral test; suboval outline, strongly asymmetrical profile with flat spiral side and strongly convex umbilical side; equatorial periphery moderately lobate, 4 to 5 chambers in the last whorl. Spiral side with crescent-shaped to petaloid chambers growing slowly in size as added; chamber surface is flat and smooth; spiral sutures are curved, marked by aligned pustules to keeled throughout the penultimate and ultimate whorl with the exception of the suture between the last two chambers, which is weakly raised to depressed. Umbilical side with subglobular to subtrapezoidal chambers and straight and depressed sutures; umbilical area relatively small about 1/3 to 1/4 of the maximum diameter; primary aperture extraumbilical-umbilical. Lateral profile with a thick imperforate peripheral band that is shifted toward the spiral side and disappears toward the end of the last whorl; the imperforate peripheral band is marked by pustules that are randomly distributed along the equatorial pe- riphery. The last chamber is typically inflated in edge view and forms an angle of nearly 90 to the imperforate peripheral band. Wall texture macroperforate.
Entries in the Catalog of original descriptions: Praeglobotruncana plenusiensis
Geological Range:
Notes: Confined to Plenus Marl beds 2 to 4 according to Falzoni & Petrizzo (2020), i.e. a short interval within OAE2, just below the C/T boundary
Last occurrence (top): near base of W. archaeocretacea zone (10% up, 94Ma, in Cenomanian stage). Data source: Falzoni & Petrizzo 2020
First occurrence (base): near top of R. cushmani zone (90% up, 94.5Ma, in Cenomanian stage). Data source: Falzoni & Petrizzo 2020
Plot of range and occurrence data:
Falzoni, F. & Petrizzo, M. R. (2020). Patterns of planktonic foraminiferal extinctions and eclipses during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at Eastbourne (SE England) and other mid-low latitude locations. Cretaceous Research. 116: 1-28. gs Huber, B. T. & Petrizzo, M. R. . (2014). Evolution and taxonomic study of the Cretaceous planktic foraminiferal genus Helvetoglobotruncana Reiss, 1957. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 44(1): 40-57. gs Leckie, M. (1985). Foraminifera of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval, Greenhorn Formation, Rock Canyon Antoicline, Pueblo, Colorado. In, Pratt, L. M., Kauffman, E. G. & Zelt, F. B. (eds) Fine-grained deposits and biofacies of the Cretaeous Wesern Interior Seaway: Evidence of cyclic sedimentary processes. SEPM Field Trip Guidebook . 4: 139-149. gsReferences:
Praeglobotruncana plenusiensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-9-2024
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