Original description: Translation from Italian: Test small with a round outline. It is convex on the dorsal side, flat or concave on the umbilical side. The peripheral margin is rounded and slightly depressed. The chambers are depressed or angular in the middle whorl, more rounded and convex in the last whorl, rosetta-like overlapping in the inner part where they are distinctly separated and elongated in the external part like typical chambers of Globigerina. The sutures are oblique and curved in the inner whorls, tending to become radial and straight in the last whorl. In the middle whorl, following the initial globigerinid appearance, the sutures are ornamented by an alignment of pustule-like structures. Such alignment is either not-distinct or distinct when the pustules-like structures are coalescing to form a real keel. These pearl-like keels are not distinct in the external part and the last chambers are simple. In the umbilical area the chambers are well convex, the umbilicus is middle-sized, the sutures are simple, radial and deep. In thin section it is possible to see that the chambers are opened regularly in the umbilicus. The test is coarsely porous than in G. appenninica Renz and the general aspect is therefore more rugose. The chambers of the last whorl are 4 to 6.
Conchiglia piccola, rotonda al contorno, superiormente convessa, inferiormente piana o un poco concava, margine arrotondato o un po' depresso. Camere depresse o angolose nel giro mediano, più arrotondate e convesse nel giro esterno; ricoprentisi in parte a rosetta internamente, nettamente staccate e affusolate in ultimo quali tipiche camere di Globigerina. Suture un po'oblique e curve nei giri interni, con tendenza radiale e diritta nel giro esterno. Nel giro mediano dopo lo stadio globigerinoide dette suture sono orlate da una fila di tubercoli, talvolta indistinta; talvolta più netta per la fusione dei detti tubercoli tra loro, sì da formare una vera e propria carena. Queste carene perlate si fanno esternamente di nuovo indistinte sin che le ultime camere sono come si è detto semplici.
Nella parte ombelicale le camere sono ben convesse, l'ombelico è di media grandezza, le suture sòno semplici, radiali' profonde. Dalle sezioni è visibile che le camere si aprono sull'ombelico regolarmente. La conchiglia è più grossolanamente porosa che nella G. apenninica e pertanto l'aspetto è più ruvido.
Numero camere all'ultimo giro : 4-6.
Entries in the Catalog of original descriptions: Globotruncana stephani, Globorotalia californica
Character matrix
test outline: | Subcircular | chamber arrangement: | Trochospiral | edge view: | Spiroconvex | aperture: | Umbilical-extraumbilical |
sp chamber shape: | Petaloid | coiling axis: | Moderate | periphery: | Single keel | aperture border: | Thick lip |
umb chbr shape: | Subtriangular | umbilicus: | Narrow | periph margin shape: | Subangular | accessory apertures: | N/A |
spiral sutures: | Raised beaded | umb depth: | Deep | wall texture: | Finely pustulose | shell porosity: | Macroperforate: >2.5µm |
umbilical or test sutures: | Moderately depressed | final-whorl chambers: | 4-6 | N.B. These characters are used for advanced search. N/A - not applicable |
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within H. helvetica zone (92.51-93.52Ma, top in Turonian stage). Data source: [copied from Chronos database]
First occurrence (base): within P. appenninica zone (100.50-101.92Ma, base in Albian stage). Data source: [copied from Chronos database]
Plot of range and occurrence data:
Falzoni, F., Petrizzo, M. R., Jenkyns, H. C., Gale, A. S. & Tsikos, H. (2016). Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and assemblage composition across the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary interval at Clot Chevalier (Vocontian Basin, SE France). Cretaceous Research. 59: 69-97. gs Gandolfi, R. (1942). Ricerche micropaleontologiche e stratigraphfiche sulla Scaglia e sul flysch Cretacici dei Dintorni di Balerna (Canton Ticino). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia. 48: 1-160. gs Huber, B. T., Petrizzo, M. R., Watkins, D. K., Haynes, S. J. & MacLeod, K. G. (2017a). Correlation of Turonian continental margin and deep-sea sequences in the subtropical Indian Ocean sediments by integrated planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy. Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 50: 141-185. gs Leckie, M. (1984). Mid-Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy off Central Morocco, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 79, Sites 545 and 547. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 79: 579-620. gs Leckie, M. (1985). Foraminifera of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval, Greenhorn Formation, Rock Canyon Antoicline, Pueblo, Colorado. In, Pratt, L. M., Kauffman, E. G. & Zelt, F. B. (eds) Fine-grained deposits and biofacies of the Cretaeous Wesern Interior Seaway: Evidence of cyclic sedimentary processes. SEPM Field Trip Guidebook . 4: 139-149. gs Pessagno, E. A. (1967). Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the western Gulf Coastal Plain. Palaeontographica Americana. 5: 245-445. gs O Petrizzo, M. R. & Huber, B. T. (2006). Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of late Albian planktonic foraminifera from ODP Leg 171B (western North Atlantic Ocean). Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 36: 166-190. gs Postuma, J. A. (1971). Manual of planktonic foraminifera. Elsevier for Shell Group, The Hague. 1-406. gsReferences:
Praeglobotruncana stephani compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-9-2024
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