radiolaria - rads_cat - Acanthosphaera kreyenhagensis radiolaria - rads_cat - Acanthosphaera kreyenhagensis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Acanthosphaera kreyenhagensis Clark & Campbell 1945

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Acanthosphaera kreyenhagensis

Citation: Acanthosphaera kreyenhagensis Clark & Campbell 1945
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : p.16
Type specimens: pl.2, fig.11
Family (traditional): Actinommidae
Family (modern): Actinommidae

Current identification:

Original Description

Spherical lattice-shell having rather short (length nearly 0.3 shell radius), 3-bladed prismatic radial spines, the triangular blades of which are apically sharp, peripherally thin, and basally flared (the spines as a whole conical, within 10 [°]); there are fewer spines than the nodal points of the shell latticework; pores mostly of similar circular to subelliptical form, but of generally dissimilar size (odd large ones are scattered, and tiny ones are freely interspersed among the others), not numerous (hardly 20 in a diameter); wall thin (6.6µm); framework heavy, crudely subhexagonal, and generally lacking sepaloid points except at some of the nodes where the radial spines arise.

Length of radial spines 23.3µm; diameter of lattice-sphere 150µm, of pores up to 25.4µm.

Editors' Notes
[The authors here list Acanthosphaera kreyenhagensis under the subgeneric name Rhaphidosphaera and include the subgeneric name in the species name.


Clark, B. L. & Campbell, A. S. (1945b). Radiolaria from the Kreyenhangen Formation near Los Banos, California. Geological Society of America, Memoir. (10): 1-66. gs


Acanthosphaera kreyenhagensis compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 9-2-2025

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