radiolaria - rads_cat - Carposphaera radiolaria - rads_cat - Carposphaera


This page provides data from the catalog of type descriptions. The catalog is sorted alphabetically. Use the current identification link to go back to the main database.

Higher levels: rads_cat -> C -> Carposphaera
Other pages this level: << < Campylacantha, Cannartidissa, Cannartidium, Cannartiscus, Cannartus, Cannobotryidae, Cannobotrys, Cannosphaeropsis, Cantharospyris, Carpocaniidae, Carpocanistrum, Carpocanium, Carpocanopsis, Carpocanthum, Carpocryptocapsa, Carposphaera, Caryodoras, Caryolithis, Caryolonche, Caryomma, Caryosphaera, Caryostaurus, Caryostylus, Caryoxiphus, Cassideus, Cecryphalium, Cenellipsis, Cenodiscus, Cenolarcus, Cenosphaera, Centracontium> >>

Carposphaera aculeata Lucchese 1927

Carposphaera annikae Renaudie & Lazarus 2012

not figuredCarposphaera areca Haeckel 1887

not figuredCarposphaera belladonna Haeckel 1887

not figuredCarposphaera borassus Haeckel 1887

Carposphaera buxiformis Clark & Campbell 1942

Carposphaera capillacea Haeckel 1887
= Carposphaera capillacea
not figuredCarposphaera cerasus Haeckel 1887

not figuredCarposphaera corypha Haeckel 1887

Carposphaera crassa Chediya et al. 1971

not figuredCarposphaera cubaxonia Haeckel 1887

Carposphaera frizzelli Frizzell & Middour 1951

Carposphaera globosa Clark & Campbell 1945

Carposphaera granda Chediya et al. 1971

Carposphaera magnaporulosa Clark & Campbell 1942
= Carposphaera magnaporylosa
not figuredCarposphaera maxima Haeckel 1887

Carposphaera megapora Lipman 1972

not figuredCarposphaera melissa Haeckel 1887

Carposphaera melitomma Haeckel 1887

not figuredCarposphaera micrococcus Haeckel 1887

Carposphaera microporulosa Lipman 1972

Carposphaera milesi Frizzell & Middour 1951

Carposphaera minima Clark & Campbell 1942

Carposphaera miocaenica Principi 1909

Carposphaera nodosa Haeckel 1887
= Carposphaera nodosa
not figuredCarposphaera prunulum Haeckel 1887

Carposphaera raiai Blueford 1982
= Carposphaera raiai
Carposphaera rara Carnevale 1908

Carposphaera serratipora Vinassa de Regny 1900

Carposphaera sexaxialis Borisenko 1960

Carposphaera stoehri Vinassa de Regny 1900

Carposphaera subbotinae Borisenko 1958
= Carposphaera subbotinae
Carposphaera ugolinii Principi 1909

Carposphaera usunensis Lipman 1950

Carposphaera waltheri Dreyer 1890


Citation: Carposphaera Haeckel 1882
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Carposphaera melitomma Haeckel 1887 [designated by Frizzell in Frizzell and Middour, 1951, p.10]
Described on page(s) : 451
Family (traditional): Actinommidae

Current identification/main database link: Carposphaera Haeckel 1881

Original Description

2a. Tribus: Carposphaerida. Dyosphaeria inermia, anacantha (testae globosae superficie externa laevi aut aspera. sed non spinosa).
B. clathris irregularibus (poris inaequalibus rotundis).
Bll. poris externis rotundis.

2a. Tribe: Carposphaerida. Unarmed Dyosphaeria, without spines (external surface of the spherical test smooth or rough, but not spiny).
B. With irregular lattice (pores circular and unequal).
BII. With the external pores circular. (Translated from Latin by E.M.R. and W.R.R.)]

From the Greek carpos = fruit, and sphaira = sphere"

Extra details from original publication

Sub-genera described:


Haeckel, E. (1882a). Entwurf eines Radiolarien-Systems auf Grund von Studien der Challenger-Radiolarien [Basis for a radiolarian classification from the study of Radiolaria of the Challenger collection]. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft. 15: 418-472. gs O


Carposphaera compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-1-2025

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