radiolaria - rads_cat - Lamprocyclas maritalis maritalis radiolaria - rads_cat - Lamprocyclas maritalis maritalis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Lamprocyclas maritalis maritalis Nigrini 1967

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Higher levels: rads_cat -> L -> Lamprocyclas -> Lamprocyclas maritalis maritalis
Other pages this level: L. bajaderae, L. deflorata, L. dentata, L. hadros, L. heteroporos, L. inexpectata, L. intermedia, L. maritalis, L. maritalis antiqua, L. maritalis maritalis, L. maritalis polypora, L. maritalis teraphimis, L. maritalis ventricosa, L. matakohe, L. nuptialis, L. particollis, L. prionotocodon, L. reginae, L. saltatricis

Lamprocyclas maritalis maritalis

Citation: Lamprocyclas maritalis maritalis Nigrini 1967
Taxonomic rank: sub-species
Described on page(s) : p.74
Type specimens: pl.7, fig.6
Type repository: (Illustrated specimen ) Sedgwick Museum N°. 850.2, U.K.
Family (traditional): Pterocorythidae
Family (modern): Pterocorythidae

Current identification/main database link: Lamprocyclas maritalis maritalis Nigrini 1967

Original Description

Shell campanulate, usually thick-walled, and generally with a rather rough surface. Cephalis elongate, trilocular, the 2 secondary lobes beneath and somewhat lateral to the larger primary lobe (cf. pl. 7, fig. 7). Pores numerous, subcircular; apical horn stout, 3-bladed, 2 or 3 times cephalic length. Primary lateral and dorsal spines continue as ribs in the thoracic wall for about half its length; rarely, these project from the thorax, forming small wings. Collar stricture not pronounced.
Thorax cupola-shaped (conical above, inflated below) with hexagonally framed circular to subcircular pores, arranged in longitudinal rows and increasing slightly in size distally; 9-11 across the widest part of the segment. Lumbar stricture distinct and marked internally by a septal ring. Abdomen cylindrical, inflated. Pores hexagonally framed, circular to subcircular, arranged in longitudinal rows; larger than thoracic pores, 9-10 on a half-equator, 3-5 in a vertical series.
Peristome well differentiated, poreless, sometimes with up to 12 triangular lamellar teeth arising from its lower edge, but often teeth are rudimentary or absent. Subterminal teeth, on the abdomen just above the peristome, are conical or thorn-like, divergent, and usually better developed than terminal teeth.

Total length (excluding apical horn) 119-173µm. Length of cephalis 27-36µm; of thorax 45-63µm; of abdomen (excluding peristome) 45-72µm. Maximum breadth of thorax 81-90µm; of abdomen 100-128µm.

Extra details from original publication
Distinguishing characters: Hays (1965) apparently called all specimens of this general form L. maritalis. Two subspecies of this species have been distinguished herein, that is, L. maritalis maritalis and L. maritalis polypora (p.76). Hays' description is probably based on numerous specimens of L. maritalis maritalis and rare specimens of L. maritalis polypora.

Editors' Notes
Occurrences previously recorded. -Haeckel (1887) - Central Pacific, "Challenger" Station 272 (3°48’ S., 152°56’ W., 4,755 m). Haecker (1907) - Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition, Stations 227 (2°57’ N., 67°59’ E., 600-400 m), 229 (2°39’ N., 63°38’ E., 1,600-1,400 m), 237 (4°45’ S., 48°59’ E., 4,950-4,600 m). Haecker (1908) - Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition Stations 237 (4°45’ S., 48°59’ E., 4,950-4,600 m), 239 (5°39’ S., 43°39’ E., 40-25 m), 268 (9°01’ N. to 12°18’ N., 53°31’ E. to 50°56’ E., 4,800-4,200 m). Hays (1965, fig. 10) -"Its occurrence seems to be restricted to the cores in the warmest waters" north of the South Polar Front; at depth in cores V16-66 (42°39’ S., 45°40’ E., 2,996 m), V17-88 (57°02’ S., 74°29’ W., 4,064 m).
Indian Ocean occurrences (fig. 39) .- L. maritalis maritalis is very sparsely distributed in low latitudes, but is fairly abundant (3% to 9% of the described population) south of 35° S (cf. L. maritalis polypora, discussion, p.77).


Haeckel, E (1887). Report on the Radiolaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. 18: 1-1803. gs O

Haecker, V (1907a). Altertumliche Spharelliden und Cyrtellarien aus grossen Meerestiefen. Archiv für Protistenkunde. 10: 114-126. gs


Lamprocyclas maritalis maritalis compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025

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