radiolaria - rads_cat - Lamprocyclas prionotocodon radiolaria - rads_cat - Lamprocyclas prionotocodon

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Lamprocyclas prionotocodon Caulet 1991

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Higher levels: rads_cat -> L -> Lamprocyclas -> Lamprocyclas prionotocodon
Other pages this level: L. bajaderae, L. deflorata, L. dentata, L. hadros, L. heteroporos, L. inexpectata, L. intermedia, L. maritalis, L. maritalis antiqua, L. maritalis maritalis, L. maritalis polypora, L. maritalis teraphimis, L. maritalis ventricosa, L. matakohe, L. nuptialis, L. particollis, L. prionotocodon, L. reginae, L. saltatricis

Lamprocyclas prionotocodon

Citation: Lamprocyclas prionotocodon Caulet 1991
Taxonomic rank: species

Current identification/main database link: Lamprocyclas prionotocodon Caulet 1991

Original Description

Three-segmented shell, conical to ovate. Cephalis large, ovate, with small subcircular pores. Apical horn stout, oblique, thorny. Vertical spine short, protruding outward as a thorn. Lateral and dorsal spines extending like shoulders in the wall of the upper thorax, prolonged into external thorns. Collar stricture distinct. Thorax conical, with longitudinal rows of subcircular pores of nearly the same size. Lumbar stricture not ponounced. Abdomen shorter than thorax. Peristome is a poreless band with a few short indentations.

Length of the cephalic horn: 45-50 μm; of the cephalis: 40-45 μm; of the thorax: 50-55 μm; of the abdomen: 40-45 μm. Maximum breadth of the thorax: 95-100 μm; of the abdomen: 100-110 μm.

Prionotos (Greek: jagged), kodon (Greek: bell).

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: This species is distinguished from other representatives of Lamprocyclas by its stout oblique apical horn, large cephalis and poreless peristome. It is distinguished from L. margatensis by a shorter abdomen. It is probably the ancestor of L. margatensis.

Occurrence The FCO is in upper Oligocene (Sample 119-744A-12H-3, 53-55 cm). Rare specimens occur in the early Miocene at Site 744, but in middle Miocene at DSDP Site 594 (Leg 90). The LCO was not observed.

Type material: Holotype (MNHN no. F61391), Sample 119-744A-12H-3, 53-55 cm, 1-Z21, Oligocene (PL 3, figs. 4-5). Paratype (MNHN no. F61392), Sample 119-744A-11H-6, 53-55 cm, 1-L29, early Miocene.


Caulet, J. (1991). Radiolarians from the Kerguelen Plateau, Leg 119. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. 119: 513-546. gs


Lamprocyclas prionotocodon compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025

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