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Current identification/main database link: Larcopyle buetschlii Dreyer 1889
The complete outline of the lens-shaped, flattened shell is oval, in which, although not very significantly, the oral pole is wider than the aboral. In the centre of the skeleton there is clearly visible a ‘trigonale’, Larnacilla shaped medullary shell, while the shell is enclosed externally by a unified shell mantle. This has a smooth surface and small irregular polygona to round meshes of unequal sizes which are ap- proximately twice the breadth of the beams, sometimes also wider. Between the Larnacilla shaped medullary shell and the outer shell mantle there is a construction of opaline beams, whose form indicates a close affinity to the lithelids and phorticids (for details see illustration). The beams of this inner construction are thicker than those of the shell mantle. The pylome is relatively small, about as broad as the medul- lary shell, and is framed by small teeth. The opaline beams of this form are thin and give the entire shell a very soft, transparent impression, and thus the finer structure and layout of the opaline beams is rather difficult to recognize. As these pylome bearing larcoids cannot with certainty be assigned to described larcoid families, I have created a new family for them, which to the previous nine families can be added as the tenth. All not yet discovered pylome bearing larcoids would most simply best be assigned to this family, regardless if they have other shell features that connect them to one of the known nine families. Fig. 70. Larcopyle Bütschli, nov. spec., nov. gen. 435X enlargement. In order to clearly illustrate this very complicated form, almost all of the upper (except for a small piece to the right of the pylome), and the middle part of the lower, outer fine-meshed shell mantle has been shown broken away. Similarly, part of the upper, inner coarse spiral beam structure has been removed, to show the central larnacilla shaped medullary shell. [translation from Lazarus et al. 2005]
Dreyer, F (1889). Die Pylombildungen in vergleichend-anatomischer und entwicklugs-geschichtlicher Beziehung bei Radiolarien und bei Protisten uberhaupt, nebst System und Beschreibung neuer und der bis jetzt bekannten pylomatischen Spummellarien. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft. 23: 77-214. gs OReferences:
Larcopyle buetschlii compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 10-9-2024
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