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CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Lophophaena galeaorci Ehrenberg 1854

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Lophophaena galeaorci

Citation: Lophophaena galeaorci Ehrenberg 1854
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : p.245
Type age (chronostrat): [presumably Quaternary]
Type locality: [LM116]
Type repository: Ehrenberg's collection, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin
Repository city: Berlin

Current identification/main database link: Lophophaena galeaorci Ehrenberg 1854

Original Description

testulae capitulo ampliore levius discreto spinulis brevioribus insigni, articulo secundo sensim dilatato parum latiore, spinis terminalibus nullis.
QTFragmentum. Cellulae aequales in 1/100\’ 5 sparsae. Longitudo totius-1/40\"', capituli 1/96\"'. Latitudo articuli secundi 1/48\"', capituli 1/80\"'. In collo ad basin capituli cellulae nonnullae maiores aperturam anteriorem indicare videntur.

[Small test with a broad cephalis, easily distinguished by its short spines; second segment gradually dilate, a little broader; no terminal spines . Fragment. Equal pores sparse, 5 in 23 µ. Total length 56 µ, of the cephalis 24 µ. Breadth of the second segment 47 µ, of the cephalis 28 µ. In the collar at the, base of the cephalis are some larger pores which seem to indicate an anterior opening. (Translated from Latin by E.M.R. and W.R.R.)]"

Extra details from original publication
Ogane, Suzuki and Aita in Tanimura et al. 2009 did not find either an illustration, or any specimens on the prepared micas in the Ehrenberg Collection. -dbl 25.8.20
The original name of Ehrenberg was in two parts : galea orci.  It is not known if this was meant to indicate a subspecies/variety or simply was using two words for a species name. -dbl 25.8.20

Editors' Notes
Bracketed locality information from Ehrenberg [762:60]. The above depth and consequently the coordinates differ from the earlier occurrence cited for this species in Ehrenberg [762:chart opposite p.66].
= Lophophaena galea in Haeckel, 1887a [invlaid name], partim.
Premature name in Ehrenberg, 1854a [762:table to p.66[comment from RadWorld database]


Ehrenberg, C. G. (1854c). Systematische Charakteristik der neuen mikroskopischen Organismen des tiefen atlantischen Oceans. Bericht uber die zu Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Koniglichen Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1854: 236-250. gs


Lophophaena galeaorci compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-2-2025

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