radiolaria - rads_cat - Lophophaena nadezdae radiolaria - rads_cat - Lophophaena nadezdae

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Lophophaena nadezdae Petrushevskaya 1971

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Lophophaena nadezdae

Citation: Lophophaena nadezdae Petrushevskaya 1971
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : p.111
Type specimens: fig. 60, i-iv
Type repository: Holotype in preparation No. 111, Marine Dept., Zoological Institute, Acad. of Sc., St Petersburg, Russia
Family (traditional): Plagiacanthidae
Family (modern): Lophophaenidae

Current identification/main database link: Lophophaena nadezdae Petrushevskaya 1971

Original Description

Lophophaena with a shell subdivided into segments I and II, "neck” not expressed. The I segment is elongated. The II segment is 1.8-2 times wider than the I, cylindrical and large. The rounded pores on the I segment are regularly distributed, their diameter being almost equal to the width of the bars. On the II segment the pores are smaller and more closely spaced, being 1.5-2 times wider than the width of the bars between them. From the surface of the I segment extend thin long spines. Spines A, D, Lr and Ll yield outer extensions, which are similar to mentioned secondary spines. (In Russian. Translated by J.P.C.)

(Based on 31 specimens) Length of I segment approximately 30µm, width 22-26µm; length of II segment up to 80µm and over, width 35-40µm.

This species was named in honor of Nadezhda Grigorjevna Levitskaya, for assisting me with my present article.

Extra details from original publication
Distinguishing characters: At station 5117 ("Vityaz") we discovered, at a depth of 150 m, a specimen which differed from the typical ones as follows: 1) Thicker secondary spines; 2) larger pores on the II segment than on the I one; 3) less strongly expressed constriction between the segments (fig. 60, V) . It is quite possible that this specimen belongs to another (less warm-water) ecological form of L. nadezdae.
This specimen reveals a certain similarity with Lithomelissa setosa Jorg., 1905 (fig. 60, VI) described from the Norwegian Sea, differing from it in having a thinner shell as well as in the size-ratio of segments I and II, and also in the form of the segments, and finally in the regular distribution of the pores. The differences between Lithomelissa setosa and Lophophaena nadezdae are even more substantial, and there is no doubt that this is a new species.

Editors' Notes
Tropical areas of the Indian and PacifIc Oceans warm surface waters.


Petrushevskaya, M. G. (1971d). Radiolyarii Nasselaria v planktone Mirovogo okeana [Nasellarian radiolarians in the plankton of the world ocean]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Academiya Nauk SSSR. 9(17): 1-294. gs O


Lophophaena nadezdae compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-2-2025

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