radiolaria - rads_cat - Ommatospyris radiolaria - rads_cat - Ommatospyris

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Cyphonium (Ommatospyris) Ehrenberg 1861

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Higher levels: rads_cat -> O -> Ommatospyris
Other pages this level: Obeliscus, Octodendron, Octopyle, Octotympanum, Odontosphaera, Ommatartus, Ommatocampe, Ommatocoryne, Ommatodiscus, Ommatogramma, Ommatospyris, Orbula, Orodapis, Orona, Oropagis, Oropelex, Oroplegma, Oroscena, Orosphaera, Orosphaeridae, Orostaurus, Orthocornutanna, Otosphaera

Ommatospyris apicata Ehrenberg 1873

Ommatospyris laevis Ehrenberg 1872

Ommatospyris penicillata Ehrenberg 1873

Ommatospyris profunda Ehrenberg 1873


Citation: Cyphonium (Ommatospyris) Ehrenberg 1861
Taxonomic rank: sub-genus
Type species: Ommatospyris apicata Ehrenberg 1873 [designated by Campbell,1954, p.D75]
Described on page(s) : 832
Family (traditional): Coccodiscidae

Current identification:

See also: Cyphonium - Ommatospyris was described as a sub-genus of Cyphonium;

Original Description

Polycystinum compositum ex Spyridinis. Testula silicea cellulosa laevis aut aspera non appendiculata, transverse biarticulata (constricta), nucleo interno medio sub strictora insignis.
His formis septum longitudinale Dictyospyridum deficit, quae formae valde affines sunt. Haliommatis constricti nomine olim fossiles formas admodum similes designavi.

Composite polycystin of the Spyridinae. Siliceous, porous test, smooth or rough, with no appendages, and transversely constricted to form 2 segments, with internal median nucleus below the stricture.
These forms lack the longitudinal septum of Dictyospyris, to which they are closely related. Formerly I assigned the name Haliomma constricta to very similar fossil forms. (Translated from Latin by E.M.R. and W.R.R.)]

From the Greek omma = eye and spyris = fish basket

Editors' Notes
[Ommatospyris Ehrenberg [775:768] is a Nomen Nudum]


Ehrenberg, C. G. (1861b). Uber den Tiefgrund des stillen Oceans zwischen Californien und den Sandwich-Inseln aus bis 15600' Tiefe nach Lieut. Brooke. Monatsberichte der Koniglichen Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1860: 819-834. gs


Ommatospyris compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 9-2-2025

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