From Suzuki Paleotax db:
1910 Acanthosphaera dodecastyla n. sp. Mast p. 156, fig. 1
1912 Acanthosphaera dodecastyla Mast Popofsky p. 97-98, pl. 2, fig. 1, pl. 3, fig. 1
1980 Acanthosphaera dodecastyla Mast Boltovskoy & Riedel p. 108, pl. 1, fig. 21
1993 Acanthosphaera dodecastyla Mast Tan p. 199, pl. 2, fig. 9
1998 Acanthosphaera dodecastyla Mast Tan p. 147-148, text-fig. 135
1999 Acanthosphaera dodecastyla Mast Tan & Chen p. 162-163, pl. 14, fig. 1
Catalog entries: Acanthosphaera dodecastyla
Original description: Schale mäßig dick mit kreisrunden, hex. begrenzten Poren, Breite der Balken ein Drittel des Porendurchmessers. 12 Stacheln, dreikantig mit glatten Rändern und sehr breiter Basis, in feine Spitzen auslaufend. Länge der Radialstacheln das Doppelte des Schalendurchmessers.
Remarks on original description: [Dimensions in millimeters]
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within (-Ma, top in "Holocene" stage). Data source:
First occurrence (base): within (-Ma, base in "Holocene" stage). Data source:
Plot of occurrence data:
Acanthosphaera dodecastyla compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 12-10-2024
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