radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Actinomma leptoderma radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Actinomma leptoderma

Actinomma leptoderma

Classification: rads_cenozoic -> Actinommidae -> Actinommidae (ss) -> Actinomma -> Actinomma leptoderma
Sister taxa: A. acusosum, A. arcadophorum, A. beroes, A. boreale, A. buspinigerum, A. campylacantha, A. capillaceum, A. delicatulum, A. golownini, A. haysi, A. henningsmoeni, A. holtedahli, A. kerguelenensis, A. leptoderma, A. livae, A. magnifenestra, A. medianum, A. mediterranensis, A. medusa, A. mirabile, A. plasticum, A. popofskii, A. sol, A. sphaerechinus, A. trinacria, A. yosii, A. sp.
Sub-taxa & variants (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)
Actinomma leptoderma longispina

neptune records:


Citation: Actinomma leptoderma (Jørgensen) Nigrini&Moore 1979
taxonomic rank: species
Basionym: Echinomma leptoderma Jørgensen 1900
Taxonomic discussion: (Jørgensen) 1905 p. 116 pl. 8 fig 33; Petrushevskaya & Kozlova 1979, p. 98

Catalog entries: Echinomma leptoderma

Original description: Äussere Kugel dünnwandig mit ungleich breitwandigen, sehr ungleich grossen, rundlichen und länglichgen, 0,006 bis 0.018 mm. breiten Poren. Radialstacheln dreischneidig, breit, von der zweiten Kugel ab gleichbreit die äussere Kugel durchbohrend, zugespitzt, wenig zahlreich (12 bis 15), etwas länger als der Abstand zwischen den beiden äusseren Kugeln hervorragend. Ausserdem finden sich an der äusseren Kugel dreischneidige, spitzige, kürzere Nebenstacheln nut breitem Fusse wie bei Echinomma trinacrium, die ungefähr 0,012 mm. lang sind. Diese Nebenstacheln sind aber wenig zahlreich, scheinen auch bisweilen zu fehlen. Zweite Kugel immer etwas unregelmässig mit ungleichen, rundlichen Poren, die denen der äusseren Kugel ähnlich sehen, aber viel kleiner sind, ungefähr 0,004 bis 0,008 mm. breit. Innerste Kugel klein, mit dünnen Balken und grossen polygonalen Maschen.
Translated description: Outer sphere thin-walled with walls of unequal width, very unequal in size, rounded and elongated, 0.006 to 0.018 mm wide pores. Radial spines three-edged, broad, piercing the outer sphere of equal width from the second sphere, pointed, few in number (12 to 15), slightly longer than the distance between the two outer spheres. In addition, on the outer sphere there are three-edged, pointed, shorter secondary spines with a broad foot, as in Echinomma trinacrium, which are about 0.012 mm. are long. These secondary spines, however, are few in number and sometimes seem to be absent. Second sphere always somewhat irregular with unequal, rounded pores resembling those of the outer sphere but much smaller, about 0.004 to 0.008 mm. broad. Innermost sphere small, with thin bars and large polygonal meshes. [Google Translate]


Published descriptions

Jørgensen 1905 - Echinomma leptoderma

The outer ball thin-walled (the walls broader than they are thick). The pores polygonally roundish oval, very uneven in size, 7-25 microns, with intermediate walls (2-4 microns broad), which are much broader towards the corners (lumen rounded off). The middle shell moderately thick (the intermediate walls being as thick as they are wide, about 1 1/2 microns), rather angular and irregular, a little larger than in Hexacontium enthacanthum; diameter about 40 microns. The pores are somewhat uneven, roundish, 4-7 microns. The intermediate walls solid, not particularly broader in the corners. It is difficult to see the inmost shell, which possesses solid beams (about equal in thickness to those of the middle shell), but rather few polygonal, mostly pentagonal or hexagonal pores, about 8 microns. The diameter of the inmost shell about 15 microns (or a little more). About 15 main spines, about equally broad inside as outside of the outmost shell, not long. They seldom protrude farther than to a length equal to the distance between the two outer shells, often less, and vary in development. Between the two inner shells, the radial spines are very narrow and in fact hardly wider than the beams of the inmost shell. The byspines on the outside shell are in appearance like the main spines, but not radially lengthened inwards, with a wide base on the outer shell (like the main spines) and very unevenly developed in size, although generally protruding less than the main spines. Variable in number; although, as a rule, not many, far from being developed in all the corners, only here and there. The number of the main spines is variable often only about 10, though oftenest about 15. They are 3-edged as in Hexacontium pachydermum. As in Hexacontium pachydermum and H. enthacanthum, there are forms without outer shells, but there is generally a trace of these in transverse processes on the main spines. These may, however, also be entirely absent. Such forms, of which one is illustrated on pl. VIII f. 33c, might equally well be reckoned as belonging to the genus Actinomma (without byspines on the third shell), respectively Haliomma (with only two shells), if their dimensions and other characteristics were not completely corresponding to the above species. Cfr. Jörgensen 1. c. p. 58.This species also varies a good deal. When the outside shell is thin-walled, the pores and intermediate walls are of a more uneven size. The byspines are in such cases slightly developed or (as yet) wanting. It is likely that these divergences may be accounted for by a difference in age. A more important difference is the number of main spines, which seems to be able to vary from 10 to 16. Comparatively frequent, though, like all radiolarian with us, always present in small numbers. It occurs, however, decidedly more frequent and in larger numbers than the two Hexacontium species.

Distribution: The same as that of Hexacontium enthacanthum and H. pachydermum. Frequent also on the west coast of Norway and in the Norwegian Sea.

Cortese and Bjørklund 1998 - Echinomma leptoderma

Description - This subspecies, characterized by its three shells, is one of the most common radiolarian skeletons in fjord sediments, and is also quite common in the plankton. The number of main spines is variable, often only about 10, though most often about 15. They are three-bladed and as long as half the radius of the outer third shell. There are in addition a number of secondary three-bladed spines, starting out from the third shell, having no connection with the second shell. Different forms of E. leptoderma may also have rather strong outer shells and more numerous and longer spines (Jørgensen, 1905).The outer, third, cortical shell - The outer third shell is relatively thin when compared with the third shell of A. boreale. The pores are round to roundish, of quite variable size, 6-18 µm. The radial spines emerge from the second medullary shell and have about the same length and thickness both inside as outside the third cortical shell. They extend beyond the third shell to approximately the same distance as that between the second and third shell. The second, medullary shell - The second shell is rather coarse, irregular in outline, a fairly distinctive feature for this species. The pores are roundish and considerably smaller than on the third shell, having a diameter of 4-8 µm. Not all the radial spines that connect the outer third shell and the second medullary shell seem to be connected to the innermost medullary shell. The first, medullary shell - The first medullary shell is spherical and built up of thin bars forming large polygonal pores. Remarks - This species varies greatly in both shape and size. When the outside shell is thin-walled, the pores and intermediate walls are of a more uneven size. The byspines are then slightly developed or not present at all. Distribution - This is a temperate oceanic form (Jørgensen, 1905). It is also reported from the Kara Sea (Bernstein, 1934), Chukchi Sea, the Arctic Ocean (Hülsemann, 1963; Tibbs, 1967), the Greenland Sea (Petrushevskaya and Bjørklund, 1964; Petrushevskaya, 1969), the Norwegian and the Iceland Seas (This paper, Bjørklund, unpubl. data), and on the eastern flank of the Mid Atlantic Ridge west of Ireland (Bjørklund, 1976b).

Biogeography and Palaeobiology

Biostratigraphic distribution

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "R age group"
First occurrence (base): within Quaternary Period (0.00-2.59Ma, base in Gelasian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "R age group"

Plot of occurrence data:


Benson, R. N. (1966). Recent Radiolaria from the Gulf of California. Thesis, Minnesota University. 1-577. gs

Benson, R. N. (1983). Quaternary radiolarians from the Mouth of the Gulf of California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 65. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 65: 491-523. gs

Bjørklund, K. R. (1974b). The seasonal occurrence and depth zonation of radiolarians in Korsfjorden, western Norway. Sarsia. 56: 13-42. gs

Bjørklund, K. R. (1976). Radiolaria from the Norwegian Sea, Leg 38 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 38: 1101-1168. gs

Cortese, G. & Bjørklund, K. R. (1998b). The taxonomy of boreal Atlantic Ocean Actinommida (Radiolaria). Micropaleontology. 44(2): 149-160. gs

Jørgensen, E (1900). Protophyten und Protozoen im Plankton aus der norwegischen Westkuste. Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1899(6): 51-95. gs O

Jørgensen, E (1905). The protist plankton and diatoms in bottom samples: Radiolaria. In, Nordgaard (ed.) Hydrographical and biological investigation in Norwegian Fjord. 49-151. gs O

Molina-Cruz, A. (1975). Evidencia faunistica de intensificacion de las corrientes de fondo de la cuenca de Panama durante un estado glacial (Faunal evidence for the intensification of bottom currents of the Panama Basin during a glacial stage). Ciencias Marinas (Mexico). 2(1): 37-42. gs

Nigrini, C. A. & Moore, T. C. Jr. (1979). A guide to modern Radiolaria. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 16: 1-260. gs O

Petrushevskaya, M. G. & Kozlova, G. E. (1979). Opisanie rodov i vidov radiolyariy [Description of the radiolarian genera and species.]. In, Sterlkov, A. A. & Petrushevskaya, M. G. (eds) Istoriya mikroplanktona Norvezhskogo Morya [The history of the microplankton of the Norwegian Sea (based on Deep Sea Drilling materials)]. Issledovanie Faunyi Morey (Akademii Nauk SSSR) Leningrad . 23(31): 86-157. gs O

Robertson, J. H. (1975). Glacial to interglacial oceanographic changes in the northwest Pacific, including a continuous record of the last 400,000 years. Thesis, New York. 1-326. gs

Schröder, O. (1909a). Die nordischen Spumellarian. In, Brandt, K. & Apstein, C. (eds) Nordisches Plankton. Lipsius und Tischer, Kiel and Leipzig, Germany (17): 1-66. gs O

Schröder-Ritzrau, A (1995). Aktuopalaontologische Untersuchung zu Verbreitung und VertikalfluB von Radiolarien sowie ihre raurnliche und zeitliche Entwicklung im Europaischen Nordmeer. Berichte Sondeiforschungsbereich Univ Kiel. 313(52): 1-99. gs

Missing or ambiguous references: Kruglikova 1989; Sachs 1973;


Actinomma leptoderma compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-9-2024

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