radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Haeckeliella radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Haeckeliella


Classification: rads_cenozoic -> Actinommidae -> Astrosphaeridae -> Haeckeliella
Sister taxa: Arachnosphaera, Cladococcus, Haeckeliella, Heliosphaera, Stomatosphaera
Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)
Haeckeliella inconstans

neptune records: 28
Haeckeliella macrodoras

neptune records:
Haeckeliella sp.

neptune records:


Citation: Haeckeliella Hollande&Enjumet 1960
Taxonomic rank: genus
Basionym: Haeckeliella

Catalog entries: Haeckeliella

Original description: Macrosphère (80µm) grêle, avec trabécules internes toujours nets. Une seule coque corticale (145µm) grillagée, portant un nombre variable, mais toujours important de spicules tricarénés, puissants, généralement dentés, branchus ou non, les branches non disposées en verticilles. Ces spicules s'insèrent sur la coque externe par trois piliers en forme d'arc. Portion des spicules unissant C1 à C2 toujours grêle. Capsule centrale lobée ou sphérique, selon qu'elle présente ou non un diamètre supérieur à celui de C2. Une seule espèce.

Translated description: Macrosphere (d=80µm), thin, with internal trabeculae always clearly observed. A single cortical shell (d=145µm), lattice, bearing a variable number (always important) of three-sided radial beams, strong, usually dentated, ramified or not, their branches never grouped in verticils. These radial beams are inserted on the cortical shell by three arches. Beam interval between C1 and C2 always slender. Central capsule lobate, or spherical, depending on a diameter greater than C2. (In French. Translated by J.P.C.)]


Biogeography and Palaeobiology

Biostratigraphic distribution

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within Neogene Period (2.59-23.03Ma, base in Aquitanian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of occurrence data:


Hollande, A. & Enjumet, M. (1960). Cytologie, evolution et systematique des Sphaeroides (Radiolaires). Archives du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. 7: 1-134. gs


Haeckeliella compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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