radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Lophophaena hispida radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Lophophaena hispida

Lophophaena hispida

Classification: rads_cenozoic -> Plagiacanthidae -> Lophophaenidae -> Lophophaena -> Lophophaena hispida
Sister taxa: L. apiculata, L. arctissa, L. arie, L. buetschlii, L. capito, L. circumtexta, L. clevei, L. cylindrica, L. decacantha, L. galeaorci, L. hispida, L. josephinus, L. macrencephala, L. mugaica, L. nadezdae, L. polycyrtis, L. radians, L. rioplatensis, L. sibirica, L. simplex, L. tekopua, L. thaumasia, L. variabilis, L. witjazii, Lophophaenoma, L. sp., Lophophaenoma sp.


Citation: Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Petrushevskaya 1971
taxonomic rank: species
Basionym: Dictyocephalus hispidus Ehrenberg 1862
1872b Dictyocephalus hispidus - Ehrenberg p. 289; pl. 5, fig. 18
1913 Acanthocorys variabilis (part.) - Popofsky p. 360-364, text figs. 74-77; not 71-73, 78-81)
1966 Acanthocorys variabilis - Benson p. 373-375; pl. 24, fig. 19
1971 Lophophaena hispida - Petrushevskaya p. 115; fig. 61, I-III
1974 Lophophaena cylindrica - Renz p. 794; pl. 18, fig. 6
1976 Lophophaena cylindrica - Renz p. 159; pl. 6, fig. 21
1981 Lophophaena cylindrica - Takahashi and Honjo p. 151; pl. 7, fig. 2
1983 Lophophaena cylindrica - Benson p. 505
1987 Lophophaena hispida - Boltovskoy and Riedel p. 99; pl. 4, fig. 11
1991 Lophophaena cylindrica (part.) - Takahashi p. 96; pl. 25, fig. 5 (not figs. 3-4)
1995 Lophophaena hispida forma hispida - van de Paverd p. 218; pl. 65, figs. 1-2
1998 Lophophaena hispida - Boltovskoy fig. 15.109

From Suzuki Paleotax db:

1862 Dictyocephalus hispidus Ehrenberg Haeckel p. 297
1862 Dictyocephalus hispidus n. sp. Ehrenberg p. 298
1862 Dictyocephalus hispidus n. sp. [nomen nudum] Ehrenberg table
1873 Dictyocephalus hispidus Ehrenberg Ehrenberg p. 288-289, pl. 5, fig. 18
1887 Dictyocephalus (Dictyocryphalus) hispidus Ehrenberg Haeckel p. 1309
1971 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg), emend. Petrushevskaya p. 115, 117, pl. 57, fig. 4, pl. 61, figs. 1-3
1972 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Petrushevskaya fig. 2.21
1976 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Petrushevskaya pl. 2, fig. m
1978 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Kruglikova pl. 22, fig. 7
1984 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Nishimura & Yamauchi p. 46, pl. 32, figs. 6, 7
1985 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Boltovskoy & Jankilevich pl. 4, fig. 6
1986 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Yamauchi pl. 2, fig. 11
1990 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Nishimura p. 93-95, figs. 17.1a-17.3b
1990 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Yeh & Cheng pl. 6, fig. 12
1999 Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg) Tsoy & Shastina pl. 41, fig. 12
2009 Dictyocephalus hispidus Ehrenberg [type specimen in the Ehrenberg collection] Suzuki et al. pl. 39, figs. 11a-11d

Catalog entries: Dictyocephalus hispidus

Original description: loricae biarticulatae capitulo subgloboso hispido cellulis inferioribus magnis, collo valde constricto, articulo secundo laevi inverse infundibuliformi, cellulis in postica parte decrescentibus. Diam. capitis 1/72\' Long. totius 1/40\"'. Cellulae in longitudine capitis 4-5, inarticulo secundo 6-7 irregulares continuae.
Translated description: [Shell 2-segmented, with cephalis subglobose, spiny, with large inferior pores; neck strongly constricted; second segment smooth, inversely funnel-shaped, with pores decreasing in size in the posterior part. Diameter of cephalis 31 µ. Total length 56 µ. 4-5 pores in the length of the cephalis, 6-7 irregular contiguous pores in the second segment. (Translated from Latin by E.M.R. and W.R.R.)]"
Remarks on original description: Premature name in Ehrenberg, 1861b [778:table opposite p.240[comment from RadWorld database]


Biogeography and Palaeobiology

Biostratigraphic distribution

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "R age group"
First occurrence (base): within Quaternary Period (0.00-2.59Ma, base in Gelasian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "R age group"

Plot of occurrence data:


Benson, R. N. (1966). Recent Radiolaria from the Gulf of California. Thesis, Minnesota University. 1-577. gs

Benson, R. N. (1983). Quaternary radiolarians from the Mouth of the Gulf of California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 65. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 65: 491-523. gs

Boltovskoy, D. & Riedel, W. R. (1987). Polycystine Radiolaria of the California current region: Seasonal and geographic patterns. Marine Micropaleontology. 12(1): 66-104. gs

Boltovskoy, D. (1998). Classification and distribution of south Atlantic recent polycystine Radiolaria. Palaeontologia Electronica. (2): -. gs

Ehrenberg, C. G. (1872). Nachthrag zur Übersicht der organischen Atmosphärilien. Abhandlungen der koniglichen preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. (1871): 233-275. gs

Popofsky, A (1913). Die Nassellarien des Warmwassergebietes. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. 13(6): 216-416. gs O

Renz, G. W. (1974). Radiolaria from Leg 27 of the DSDP. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 27: 769-841. gs O

Renz, G. W. (1976). The distribution and ecology of Radiolaria in the central Pacific: plankton and surface sediments. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 22: 1-267. gs

Takahashi, K. & Honjo, S. (1981). Vertical flux of Radiolaria: A taxon-quantitative sediment trap study from the western tropical Atlantic. Micropaleontology. 27(2): 140-190. gs

Takahashi, K. (1991). Radiolaria: Flux, ecology, and Taxonomy in the Pacific and Atlantic. Ocean Biocoenosis Series. 3: 1-301. gs

van de Paverd, P. J. (1995). Recent Polycystine Radiolaria from the Snellius-II Expedition. Thesis, Free University Amsterdam. 1-351. gs

Missing or ambiguous references: Petrushevskaya 1971;


Lophophaena hispida compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-9-2024

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