1873 Periphaena decora - Ehrenberg p.246
1887 Periphaena decora - Haeckel p.426
1973 Periphaena decora
From Suzuki Paleotax db:
1874 Periphaena decora n. sp. Ehrenberg p. 246
1876 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Ehrenberg p. 80-81, pl. 28, fig. 6
1882 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Bütschli pl. 22, fig. 6
1887 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Haeckel p. 426
1957 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Riedel p. 258, pl. 62, fig. 1
1972 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Petrushevskaya & Kozlova p. 523, pl. 14, figs. 1, 2
1973 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Sanfilippo & Riedel p. 523, pl. 8, figs. 8-10, pl. 27, fgs. 2-5
1974 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Nigrini p. 1065, pl. 1C, figs. 4-6, pl. 2A, fig. 3
1975 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Ling p. 725, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2
1975 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Nakaseko & Nishimura p. 53, pl. 4, fig. 8
1977 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Riedel & Sanfilippo pl. 5, fig. 13, pl. 6, fig. 9
1978 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Dumitrica p. 238, pl. 2, fig. 3
1978 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Weaver & Dinkelman pl. 11, fig. 5
1992 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Takemura p. 743, pl. 6, fig. 8
1992 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg group Sugiyama & Furutani p. 202, pl. 16, figs. 5, 6
2005 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg Funakawa & Nishi pl. 2, fig. 13
2009 Periphaena decora Ehrenberg [Ehrenberg collection] Ogane et al. pl. 14, fig. 6a-c, pl. 30, fig. 4, pl. 67, fig. 3a-b
Catalog entries: Periphaena decora
Original description: capsulae (nuclei?) superficies cellulosa, seriebus contiguis radiantibus dense obtecta, margine eleganter ciliato (aut in limbo striato).
Translated description: [Surface of the shell (nucleus?) porous, densely covered with contiguous radiating rows, margin elegantly ciliate (or striated at the edge). Diameter 280 µ, of nucleus 80 µ. . (Translated from Latin by E.M.R. and W.R.R.)]
Haeckel 1887 - Periphaena decora Disk with smooth surface, three times as broad as the medullary shell. Pores regular, circular; twenty to twenty-two on the radius of the disk, disposed in radial series. Girdle of the margin nearly as broad as the radius of the medullary shell, in the distal half structureless, in the proximal half with eighty to ninety short radial ribs. Dimenions.-Diameter of the disk 0.25, of the shell 0.08, of the 0.06. Habitat: -Fossil in Barbados.
Published descriptions
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within Neogene Period (2.59-23.03Ma, top in Piacenzian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "N age group"
First occurrence (base): within Neogene Period (2.59-23.03Ma, base in Aquitanian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "N age group"
Plot of occurrence data:
Blome, C. D. (1992). Radiolarians from Leg 122, Exmouth and Wombat Plateaus, Indian Ocean C.D. Blome. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. 122: 633-652. gs Ehrenberg, C. G. (1874b). Grössere Felsproben des Polycystinen-Mergels von Barbados mit weiteren Erläuterungen. Monatsberichte der Koniglichen Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1873: 213-263. gs Haeckel, E (1887). Report on the Radiolaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. 18: 1-1803. gs O Sanfilippo, A. & Riedel, W. R. (1973). Cenozoic Radiolaria (exclusive of theoperids, artostrobiids and amphipyndacids) from the Gulf of Mexico, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 10. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 10: 475-608. gs O Missing or ambiguous references: Ehrenberg 1873; References:
Periphaena decora compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-9-2024
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