radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Phormostichoartus corbula radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Phormostichoartus corbula

Phormostichoartus corbula

Classification: rads_cenozoic -> Artostrobiidae -> Phormostichoartus -> Phormostichoartus corbula
Sister taxa: P. caryoforma, P. corbula, P. crustula, P. doliolum, P. fistula, P. furcaspiculata, P. marylandicus, P. multiseriatus, P. pitomorphus, P. platycephala, P. schneideri, P. strongi, P. sp.


Citation: Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Nigrini 1977
Taxonomic rank: species
Basionym: Lithocampe corbula
1863 Lithocampe corbula - Harting p. 12; pl. 1, fig. 21
1872 Eucyrtidium multiseriatum - Ehrenberg p. 310
1872 Eucyrtidium multiseriatum - Ehrenberg pl. 7, fig. 9
1887 Tricolocampe polyzona - Haeckel p. 1412; pl. 66, fig. 19
1887 Tricolocampe stenozona - Haeckel p. 1413; pl. 66, fig. 20
1887 Lithocampe multiseriata - Haeckel p. 1505
1913 Lithamphora furcaspiculata - Popofsky (partim) p. 408-412; text-figs. 138-139
1953 Tricolocampe ? stenozona - Riedel p. 812; pl. 85, fig. 1
1958 ?Siphocampium sp. - Riedel p. 243-244; pl. 4, figs. 9-10; text-fig. 12
1966 Siphocampium cf. polyzona - Benson p. 513-517; pl. 35, figs. 5-8; text-fig. 27
1967 Siphocampe corbula - Nigrini p. 8-87; pl. 8, fig. 5; pl. 9, fig. 3
1967 Lithocampe (?) multiseriatum - Petrushevskaya p. 135-137; fig. 76, I-III
1970 Siphocampe corbula - Nigrini p. 172; pl. 4, fig. 11
1971 Siphocampe corbula - Riedel and Sanfilippo p. 1601; pl. 1H, figs. 18-25
1973 Siphocampe corbula - Kling pl. 5, figs. 22-23; pl. 12, figs. 21-23
1974 Siphocampe corbula - Renz p. 795; pl. 17, fig. 14
1976 Siphocampe corbula - Renz p. 141-142; pl. 6, fig. 8
1977 Siphocampe corbula - Molina-Cruz p. 338; pl. 8, fig. 6
1977 Phormostichoartus corbula - Nigrini p. 252; pl. 1, fig. 10
1979 Phormostichoartus corbula - Kling p. 309; pl. 2, fig. 20
1979 Phormostichoartus corbula - Nigrini and Moore p. N103-N104; pl. 27, fig. 3
1980 Phormostichoartus corbula - Johnson and Nigrini p. 135; pl. 4, fig. 7
1981 Phormostichoartus corbula - Takahashi and Honjo p. 154; pl. 10, figs. 13-14
1982 Phormostichoartus corbula - Molina-Cruz p. 996; pl. 4, figs. 8-9
1983 Phormostichoartus corbula - Benson p. 506
1984 Phormostichoartus corbula - Nishimura and Yamauchi p. 65; pl. 41, figs. 1a-1b
1987 Phormostichoartus corbula - Bjørklund and de Ruiter fig. 6, no. 27
1987 Phormostichoartus corbula - Boltovskoy and Riedel p. 101; pl. 6, fig. 7
1991 Phormostichoartus corbula - Takahashi p. 129; pl. 44, figs. 14-16
1995 Tricolocampe corbula - van de Paverd p. 253; pl. 76, figs. 6-9
1998 Phormostichoartus corbula - Boltovskoy fig. 15.163

From Suzuki Paleotax db:

1863 Lithocampe corbula n. sp. Harting p. 12, pl. 2, fig. 21
1967 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Nigrini p. 85-87, pl. 8, fig. 5, pl. 9, fig. 3
1970 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Nigrini p. 172, pl. 4, fig. 11
1971 Siphocampe aff. corbula (Harting) Riedel & Sanfilippo pl. 1h, fig. 28, pl. 2i, figs. 11-13
1971 Siphocampe aff. corbula (Harting) Riedel & Sanfilippo pl. 1h, figs. 26, 27
1971 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Riedel & Sanfilippo p. 1601, pl. 1h, figs. 18-25
1972 Lithamphora corbula (Harting) Petrushevskaya fig. 2.8
1972 Lithamphora sp. aff. Lithocampe corbula Harting Petrushevskaya & Kozlova p. 539, pl. 30, fig. 7
1973 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Kling p. 639, pl. 5, figs. 22, pl. 12, figs. 21-23
1974 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Johnson & Knoll pl. 2, fig. 14
1974 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Johnson p. 552
1974 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Renz p. 795, pl. 17, fig. 14
1975 Lithamphora corbula (Harting) group Petrushevskaya p. 585
1976 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Renz p. 141-142, pl. 6, fig. 8
1977 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Nigrini p. 252, pl. 1, fig. 10
1977 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Riedel & Sanfilippo pl. 23, fig. 13
1977 Siphocampe cornula (Harting) Molinap. 338, pl. 8, fig. 6
1978 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Kruglikova pl. 24, fig. 12
1978 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Riedel & Sanfilippo p. 122, pl. 6, fig. 14
1978 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Riedel & Sanfilippo p. 73, pl. 9, fig. 7
1978 Siphocampe ex gr. corbula (Harting) Dumitrica p. 241, pl. 3, fig. 9
1979 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Kling p. 309, pl. 2, fig. 20
1979 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Nigrini & Moore N103-104, pl. 27, fig. 3
1980 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Johnson & Nigrini p. 135, text-fig. 14c, pl. 4, fig. 7
1981 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Takahashi & Honjo p. 154, pl. 10, figs. 13, 14
1982 Lithamphora corbula (Harting) Nakaseko & Nishimura p. 100, pl. 65, figs. 7, 8, 13
1982 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Molinap. 996, pl. 4, figs. 8, 9
1982 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Tan & Su p. 181, pl. 20, fig. 1
1984 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Nigrini & Lombari N179-N180, pl. 31, figs. 4a, 4b
1984 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Nishimura & Yamauchi p. 65, pl. 41, fig. 1
1985 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Morley p. 411, pl. 3, fig. 6
1985 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Sanfilippo et al. p. 703-704, figs. 34.2a - 34.2c
1986 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Riedel & Sanfilippo pl. 5, fig. 2
1986 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Levyikina p. 88, pl. 13, fig. 2
1987 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Akers et al. p. 32, pl. 9, fig. 11
1987 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Bjørklund & de Ruiter fig. 6.27
1989 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Alexandrovich pl. 3, fig. 2
1990 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Abelmann p. 698, pl. 8, fig. 7
1990 Tricolocampe corbula (Harting) Nishimura p. 158, figs. 34.7a, 34.7b
1991 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Takahashi p. 129, pl. 44, figs. 14-16
1992 Phormostichoartus sp. aff. P. corbula (Harting) Sugiyama et al. pl. 28, fig. 4
1994 Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Haslett p. 142, pl. 4, fig. 16, pl. 7, figs. 4, 5
1996 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Chen & Tan p. 229, pl. 34, figs. 20, 21, pl. 54, fig. 15
1999 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Tan & Chen p. 352-353, text-fig. 5.295
2003 Lithamphora corbula (Harting) Tan & Su p. 223-234, pl. 15, fig. 13; text-fig. 174
2017 Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Chen et al. p. 231, pl. 83, fig. 11
Taxonomic discussion: (Harting) 1863; Nigrini 1977; Nigrini & Moore 1979 p N103 pl 27 fig 3

Catalog entries: Lithocampe corbula

Original description: Lengte 130 mmm. Drie geledingen, de achterste half holvormig, de beide andere bijna cylindrisch, met op dwarse rijen geplaalste kleine vierhockige openingen.
Remarks on original description: New name Siphocampe corbula (Harting) Nigrini, 1967, modified in Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) Nigrini 1977; other name Lithamphora corbula (Harting) Petrushevskaya, 1975c[comment from RadWorld database]


Published descriptions

Benson 1966 - Lithocampe corbula

Cylindrical to spindle-shaped test with four joints of unequal size. Main part of cephalis subspherical, its dorsal face covered by a pronounced dorsal lobe; a relatively long but inconspicuous ventral tubule extends from its ventral face and adheres to the upper ventral surface of the thorax (text-fig. 27A).The presence of the dorsal lobe and ventral tube makes it difficult to distinguish the cephalis from the thorax; in side view the cephalis appears cap-shaped and merges with the outline of the thorax on its dorsal and ventral sides; in dorsal or ventral view the cephalis appears subconical or cap-shaped with a slight stricture between it and the thorax. Pores of the cephalis small, subequal, circular, to subcircular. Apical spine generally absent but in a few tests it is a short, stout, triangular, inconspicuous, three-bladed spine which extends from the apical bar in the dorsal wall of the main subspherical part of the cephalis; the dorsal lobe barely distinguishable from the main part of the cephalis and covers the jugular pores. Vertical spine barely distinguishable; as seen in apical view (text-fig. 27C) it projects as a short spine into the proximal part of the interior of the ventral tube. Ventral tube hyaline, subcylindrical, but of greater diameter proximally with a change of contour to a cylindrical distal portion of smaller diameter. Six collar pores defined by the dorsal, secondary lateral, primary lateral and vertical bars which originate from a non-horizontal (ventrally descending) median bar (text-fig. 27B); dorsal and primary and secondary lateral bars either terminate at the collar ring or extend a short distance as inconspicuous ribs in the thoracic wall; in a few specimens the ribs prolonged as short spines. Thorax campanulate to truncate-conical, with 3-5 transverse rows of subequal, sibcircular to subrectangular pores. Thorax separated from the first abdominal joint, which is slightly longer, by a distinct stricture coincident with a continuous internal septal ring. First abdominal joint subcylindrical to truncate-conical, slightly broader at its base with 6-10 transverse rows of subpolygona1 (subrectangular) to subcircular pores which are smaller than those of the thorax; this joint separated from second abdominal joint by a disinct stricture coincident with an internal septal ring. Second abdominal joint 2-3 times longer than the first, generally the broadest joint, subcylindrical but broader proximally than distally, with a definite constricted mouth at its base, in most specimens, with a hyaline peristome having a few, short, terminal thorns or spines; with 8-17 transverse rows of pores similar to those of the first abdominal joint. No specimens were observed with more than four joints.

Measurements: based on 30 specimens from stations 27 and 34: maximum length of test 111-166 m; maximum breadth 55-71 µm; length of cephalis 15-21 µm, of thorax18-31 µm, of first abdominal joint 23-42 µm, of second abdominal joint 49-100 µm; breadth of cephalis (including dorsal lobe in some specimens) 18-31 µm, of thorax (maximum) 39-57 µm, of first abdominal joint (maximum) 52-66 µm, of second abdominal joint (maximum) 55-71 µm, of basal mouth 37- 43 µm; length of ventral tube 9-19 µm, of hyaline peristome (17 specimens) 2-14 µm.

Remarks: This species is tentatively identified as Tricolocampe polyzona Haeckel, although Haeckel (1887, p. 1412) does not discuss or illustrate a subspherical cephalis with a dorsal lobe and ventral tube. If study of his type material reveals the presence of these structures his species is identical with the Gulf species and should be placed within Siphocampium Haeckel.T. stenozona differs from T. polyzona in the presence of a thinner wall, a wider basal mouth, and a slightly different proportion of the joints. All these features are of intraspecific variation in the Gulf species and are not of taxonomic significance; therefore, T. stenozona is conspecific with T. polyyzona. Riedel (1953, p. 812) identified some late Tertiary forms from the island of Rotti as T. polyzona but did not observe the cephalis. From Antarctic sediments Riedel (1958, pp. 243-244) described a species of Siphocampium Haeckel that agrees well with the Gulf species in details of the collar pores, cephalis, and ventral tube but differs in the apparent lack of internal septal rings separating the joints and in the presence of a fifth or even a sixth joint in some specimens. No Gulf specimens were observed with more than four joints although the fourth joint in some tests is incomplete; the fourth joint in complete specimens consistently has a constricted mouth and in most specimens a hyaline peristome. A few of Popofsky's illustrations of Lithamphora furcaspiculata Popofsky (1909, pp. 295-296; 1913, pp. 408-412) are identical or nearly identical with this species but differ in the presence of long axial spines, a feature not observed in the Gulf species. In his publication of 1909, figure 6 of plate 36 resembles the Gulf specimens. In his 1913 publication only two of his ten text figures resemble the Gulf species, namely 138 and 139.

Distribution: This species is rare but nearly cosmopolitan in the Gulf. It is present as far north as stations 191 and 192 but is absent at station 194 and all those to the north as well as at stations 90, 99, and 130.In the northern half of the Gulf, except for station 184, it is confined to stations located within the diatomite facies. Its presence in this region of the Gulf may be a function of upwelling, but its low frequency prohibits a definite statement regarding this. Its absence nearshore and in the northern shelf region of the Gulf indicates its preference for more nearly oceanic offshore waters. This species may be cosmopolitan because forms resembling if not identical with it are present at all latitudes. Further taxonomic study is needed before analysis of its world-wide distribution can be made. \ From: Benson, 1966, p. 513-517; pl. 35, figs. 5-8; text-fig. 27:Siphocampium cf. polyzona Haeckel?Tricolocampe polyzona Haeckel, 1887, Challenger Rept., Zool., vol. 18, p. 1412, Pl. 66, fig. 19; Riedel, 1953, Journal of Paleontology, vol. 27, no. 6, p. 812, Pl. 85, fig. 1.?Tricolocampe stenozona Haeckel, 1887, Challenger Rept., Zool., vol. 18, p. 1413, Pl. 66, fig. 20.?Siphocampium sp. Riedel, 1958, B.A.N.Z.A.R.E. Repts., ser. B, vol. 6, pt. 10, pp. 243-244, Pl. 4, figs. 9, 10; text fig. 12.

Nigrini 1967 - Lithocampe corbula

Shell thin-walled, smooth, subcylindrical, consisting of 4 segments of which the fourth is the broadest. Cephalis approximately spherical with a well-developed, poreless, lateral tubule which curves downwards so as to lie close to the thorax; numerous subcircular pores; no apical horn. Collar stricture indistinct. Thorax short, truncate conical, with circular to subcircular pores arranged approximately in transverse rows. Lumbar and post-lumbar strictures distinct. Abdomen annular, somewhat longer than thorax. Pores small, subcircular to squarish, arranged in 5-8 regular closely spaced transverse rows. Fourth segment 2-4 times as long as abdomen, in 9-17 transverse rows. Segments tapers slightly distally and ends in a generally poreless peristome. Termination smooth.

Dimensions: Total length 119-173. Length of cephalis 9-18µ; of thorax 9-23µ; of abdomen 18-27µ; of fourth segment 54-109µ. Maximum breadth 54-81µ.

Biogeography and Palaeobiology

Biostratigraphic distribution

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "R age group"
First occurrence (base): within Quaternary Period (0.00-2.59Ma, base in Gelasian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "R age group"

Plot of occurrence data:


Benson, R. N. (1966). Recent Radiolaria from the Gulf of California. Thesis, Minnesota University. 1-577. gs

Ehrenberg, C. G. (1872). Nachthrag zur Übersicht der organischen Atmosphärilien. Abhandlungen der koniglichen preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. (1871): 233-275. gs

Haeckel, E (1887). Report on the Radiolaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. 18: 1-1803. gs O

Harting, P (1863). Bijdrage tot de kennis der mikroskopische fauna en flore van de Banda-Zee. [Contribution to the knowledge of microscopic fauna and flora from the Banda Sea]. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. 10(1): 1-34. gs

Kling, S. A. (1973). Radiolaria from the eastern North Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 18. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 18: 617-671. gs

Kling, S. A. (1979). Vertical distribution of polycystine radiolarians in the central North Pacific. Marine Micropaleontology. 4(4): 295-318. gs

Molina-Cruz, A. (1977). Radiolarian assemblages and their relationship to the oceanography of the subtropical southeastern Pacific. Marine Micropaleontology. 2(4): 315-352. gs

Nigrini, C. A. & Moore, T. C. Jr. (1979). A guide to modern Radiolaria. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 16: 1-260. gs O

Nigrini, C. A. (1967). Radiolaria in pelagic sediments from the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 11: 1-125. gs

Nigrini, C. A. (1970). Radiolarian assemblages in the North Pacific and their application to a study of Quarternary sediments in Core V 20-130. Geological Society of America, Memoir. 126: 139-175. gs

Nigrini, C. A. (1977). Tropical Cenozoic Artostrobiidae (Radiolaria). Micropaleontology. 23(3): 241-269. gs

Petrushevskaya, M. G. (1967). Radiolayarii otryadov Spumellaria i Nassellaria Antarkicheskoi oblasti (po materialam Sovetskoi Antarkitcheskikh Ekspeditsii). [Antarctic Spumelline and Nasselline radiolarians (from materials from the Soviet Antarctic Expedition)]. Issledovanie Faunyi Morey (Akademii Nauk SSSR) Leningrad. 4(12): 5-186. gs

Renz, G. W. (1976). The distribution and ecology of Radiolaria in the central Pacific: plankton and surface sediments. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 22: 1-267. gs

Riedel, W. R. & Sanfilippo, A. (1971). Cenozoic Radiolaria from the western tropical Pacific, Leg 7. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 7: 1529-1666. gs

Riedel, W. R. (1953). Mesozoic and Late Tertiary Radiolaria of Rotti. Journal of Paleontology. 27(6): 805-813. gs

Riedel, W. R. (1958). Radiolaria in Antarctic sediments. B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition Reports. 6(10): 217-255. gs


Phormostichoartus corbula compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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