radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Phormostichoartus multiseriatus radiolaria - rads_cenozoic - Phormostichoartus multiseriatus

Phormostichoartus multiseriatus

Classification: rads_cenozoic -> Artostrobiidae -> Phormostichoartus -> Phormostichoartus multiseriatus
Sister taxa: P. caryoforma, P. corbula, P. crustula, P. doliolum, P. fistula, P. furcaspiculata, P. marylandicus, P. multiseriatus, P. pitomorphus, P. platycephala, P. schneideri, P. strongi, P. sp.


Citation: Phormostichoartus multiseriatus (Ehrenberg) Caulet 1986
Taxonomic rank: species
Basionym: Eucyrtidium multiseriatum Ehrenburg 1873

From Suzuki Paleotax db:

1861 Eucyrtidium multiseriatum Ehrenberg [nomen nudum] Ehrenberg p. 823
1861 Eucyrtidium multiseriatum n. sp. [nomen nudum] Ehrenberg p. 768
1873 Eucyrtidium multiseriatum Ehrenberg Ehrenberg p. 292-293, pl. 7, fig. 9
1873 Eucyrtidium multiseriatum n. sp. Ehrenberg p. 310
1887 Lithocampe (Lithocampium) multiseriata (Ehrenberg) Haeckel p. 1505
1967 Lithocampe (?) multiseriata (Ehrenberg) Petrushevskaya p. 135-137, text-fig. 76.1-67.3
2009 Eucyrtidium multiseriatum Ehrenberg [type specimen in the Ehrenberg collection] Suzuki et al. pl. 55, figs. 1a-1c
Taxonomic discussion: (Ehrenberg) 1860; Caulet 1986

Catalog entries: Eucyrtidium multiseriatum

Translated description: [Four segments; the first subhemispherical, narrower than the second; the third swollen, dilate; the fourth longer than the others, subconical, broadly truncate. Small pores of all segments arranged in many transverse rows, but irregular in the cephalis. Total length 112 µ. In the third segment, 10 rows in 24 µ.. (Translated from Latin by E.M.R. and W.R.R.)]
Remarks on original description: Premature name in Ehrenberg, 1860a [775:768] and subsequent reference to premature name in Ehrenberg, 1860b [776:823
Synonymized with Phormostichoartus corbula (Garting) by Nigrini, 1977[comment from RadWorld database]


Biogeography and Palaeobiology

Biostratigraphic distribution

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within Neogene Period (2.59-23.03Ma, top in Piacenzian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "N age group"
First occurrence (base): within Neogene Period (2.59-23.03Ma, base in Aquitanian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "N age group"

Plot of occurrence data:


Caulet, J. (1986b). Radiolarians from the Southwest Pacific. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 90: 835-861. gs

Ehrenberg, C. G. (1873b). Mikrogeologische Studien als Zusammenfassung seiner Beobachtungen des kleinsten Lebens der Meeres-Tiefgründe aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Einfluss. Monatsberichte der Koniglichen Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1872: 265-322. gs


Phormostichoartus multiseriatus compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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