1942 Theocyrtis diabolensis - Clark and Campbell p. 90, fig. 13
1975 Theocyrtis diabolensis - Chen pl. 5, figs. 4-7
From Suzuki Paleotax db:
1942 Theocyrtis (Theocorypha) diabloensis n. sp. Clark & Campbell p. 90-91, pl. 8, fig. 13
1975 Theocyrtis (Theocorypha) diabloensis Clark et Campbell Chen p. 459, pl. 5, figs. 4-7
1991 Theocyrtis diabloensis Clark & Campbell Caulet pl. 4, fig. 13
1997 Theocyrtis diabloensis Clark & Campbell Takemura & Ling pl. 1, fig. 19
2005 Theocyrtis (Theocorypha) diabloensis Clark & Campbell Funakawa & Nishi pl. 4, figs. 20a, 20b
Catalog entries: Theocyrtis diabloensis
Original description: Shell small, apically strongly pointed and with two swollen, ringlike segments below the conical cephalis; apical horn much reduced as a mere equally four-angled, sharp point; cephalis acuminate (40°), its length less than 0.22 total length, the apex narrowly rounded over, the sides nearly plane, mostly symmetrical, the basal diameter nearly 1.2 times the height, with very little change in contour between it and the thorax; thorax conical-ring shaped (16°), about 0.27 total length, the basal diameter 1.5 times the diameter at the base of the cephalis, the sides strongly bulged, much resembling a wide, old-fashioned wedding ring; the bulge at the middle equals the basal diameter, the base, however, very sharply constricted at the internal, septal ring which marks off its lower margin from the abdomen; abdomen similar to thorax in general shape, its middle being only a trifle wider than the thoracic bulge, the apertural end, however, having a diameter of 0.28 total length; aperture margin torn, possibly irregular, not toothed; wall fairly thick, outwardly smooth, as a whole neatly trim; surface of horn, hyaline; of cephalis, hyaline with only a very few, tiny, circular pores near the upper part; of thorax, with about sixty, subequal, double-contoured, circular, very well-spaced pores; of abdomen, with about the same number of pores as the thorax or, perhaps, a few less, these pores larger than those of thorax but otherwise similar, the pores of both thorax and abdomen tending to be mildly spiralled (about 5°) in subregular tiers; framework, dark, gray, dense.
Remarks on original description: [The authors here list this species under the subgeneric name Theocorypha and include the subgeneric name in the species name.
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within Paleogene Period (23.03-66.04Ma, top in Chattian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "P age group"
First occurrence (base): within Paleogene Period (23.03-66.04Ma, base in Danian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "P age group"
Plot of occurrence data:
Clark, B. L. & Campbell, A. S. (1942a). Eocene radiolarian faunas from the Mt. Diablo area, California. Geological Society of America, Special Papers. 39: 1-112. gs Missing or ambiguous references: Chen 1975; Clark & Campbell 1942; References:
Theocyrtis diabloensis compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-1-2025
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