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Botryostrobus aquilonaris

Classification: rads_cenozoic -> Artostrobiidae -> Botryostrobus -> Botryostrobus aquilonaris
Sister taxa: B. aquilonaris, B. auritus, B. bramlettei, B. hollisi, B. joides, B. kerguelensis, B. miralestensis, B. parsonsae, B. rednosus, B. sp.


Citation: Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Johnson 1974
Taxonomic rank: species
Basionym: Eucyrtidium aquilonaris
1856 Eucyrtidium aquilonaris - Bailey p. 4; pl. 1, fig. 9
1856 Eucyrtidium tumidulum - Bailey p. 5; pl. 1, fig. 11
1862 Lithocampe aquilonaris - Haeckel p. 317
1862 Lithocampe tumidula - Haeckel p. 318
1887 Siphocampe erucosa - Haeckel p. 1500-l501; pl. 79, fig. 11
1887 Lithocampe aquilonaris - Haeckel p. 1504
1887 Lithocampe tumidula - Haeckel p. 1506
1965 Eucyrtidium tumidulum ? - Hays p. 181-182; pl. 3, fig. 7
1966 Siphocampium erucosum - Benson p. 527-530; pl. 35, figs. 18-20
1967 Lithocampe (?) aquilonaris - Petrushevskaya p. 140-141; fig. 79, I-III
1971 Siphocampe erucosa - Casey pl. 23.1, figs. 12-13
1971 Siphocampe aquilonaris - Ling, Stadum, and Welch p. 716; pl. 2, fig. 12
1971 Artostrobium miralestense - Riedel and Sanfilippo (partim.) p. 1599; pl. 1H, figs. 9-13
1973 Lithocampe tumidulum - Bjørklund p. 73; pl. 2, W
1973 Artostrobium miralestense - Kling (partim.) p. 639; pl. 5, figs. 31-34
1974 Botryostrobus tumidulus - Petrushevskaya and Bjørklund p. 42; fig. 9
1974 Artostrobium miralestense - Renz p. 789; pl. 17, fig. 22
1976 Artostrobium miralestense - Renz p. 139; pl. 6, fig. 2
1977 Artostrobium tumidulum group - Kling p. 215; pl. 1, fig. 9
1977 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Nigrini p. 246; pl. 1, fig. 1
1979 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Kling p. 309; pl. 2, fig. 18
1979 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Nigrini and Moore p. N99-N100; pl. 27, fig. 1
1980 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Johnson and Nigrini p. 135; pl. 5, fig. 5
1981 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Takahashi and Honjo p. 154; pl. 10, figs. 9-10
1982 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Molina-Cruz p. 996; pl. 4, fig. 6
1983 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Benson p. 500
1984 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Nishimura and Yamauchi p.64; pl. 40, fig. 1
1991 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Takahashi p. 128; pl. 44, figs. 9-13
1995 Tricolocampe aquilonaris - van de Paverd p. 254; pl. 76, figs. 10-12
1998 Botryostrobus aquilonaris - Boltovskoy fig. 15.164

From Suzuki Paleotax db:

1856 Eucyrtidium aquilonaris n. sp. Bailey p. 4, pl. 1, fig. 9
1862 Lithocampe aquilonaris (Bailey) Haeckel p. 317-318
1873 Eucyrtidium aquilonare Bailey [sic] Ehrenberg p. 290-291
1887 Lithocampe (Lithocampium) aquilonaris (Bailey) Haeckel p. 1504
1967 Lithocampe (?) aquilonaris (Bailey) Petrushevskaya p. 140, 141, text-fig. 79.1-79.3
1969 Lithocampe aulonaris (Bailey) [sic] Kruglikova pl. 4, fig. 21
1971 Siphocampe aquilonaris (Bailey) Ling et al. p. 716, pl. 2, fig. 12
1974 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Johnson p. 135, text-fig. 14a, pl. 4, fig. 5
1975 Lithocampe aquilonaris (Bailey) Kruglikova fig. 3.6
1977 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Nigrini p. 246, pl. 1, fig. 1
1977 Siphocampe aquilonaris (Bailey) Molinap. 338, pl. 8, figs. 10, 11
1979 Botryostrobgus aquilonaris (Bailey) Kling p. 309, pl. 2, fig. 18
1979 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Nigrini & Moore N99-100, pl. 27, fig. 1
1980 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Ling p. 367, pl. 2, fig. 20
1981 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Takahashi & Honjo p. 154, pl. 10, fig. 10 (only)
1981 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Takahashi & Honjo p. 154, pl. 10, fig. 9 (only)
1982 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Molinap. 996, pl. 4, fig. 6
1982 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Nakaseko & Nishimura p. 96, pl. 49, fig. 8, pl. 65, figs. 1-4
1984 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Nigrini & Lombari N173-N174, pl. 31, figs. 1a, 1b
1984 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Nishimura & Yamauchi p. 64, pl. 40, fig. 1
1985 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Boltovskoy & Jankilevich pl. 5, fig. 10
1985 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Morley p. 411, pl. 1, fig. 1
1986 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Yamauchi pl. 3, fig. 20
1989 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Alexandrovich pl. 2, fig. 4
1991 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Takahashi p. 128, pl. 44, figs. 11-13 (only)
1991 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Takahashi p. 128, pl. 44, figs. 9-10 (not 11-13)
1992 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Sugiyama et al. pl. 28, figs. 3a, 3b
1994 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Haslett p. 141, pl. 4, fig. 13, pl. 7, fig. 1
1995 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Morley & Nigrini p. 81, pl. 6, fig. 7
1996 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Chen & Tan p. 232, pl. 35, figs. 24-26
1996 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Motoyama pl. 7, figs. 6, 7
2003 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Tan & Su p. 217-218, pl. 1, fgs. 18-20
2015 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Matsuzaki et al. p. 55, figs. 9.8-9.10
2017 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Chen et al. p. 235, pl. 84, fig. 24 (only)
2017 Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Chen et al. p. 235, pl. 84, figs. 18-23 (not 24)
Taxonomic discussion: (Bailey) 1856; Nigrini 1977; Nigrini & Moore 1979 p N99 pl 27 fig 1

Catalog entries: Eucyrtidium aquilonaris

Original description: Shell with a rounded head andthree (or more?) inflated articulations having large cells or perforationsarranged in transverse rows, the spaces between the cells being irregularly granulate. Lower cell abruptly contracted at base and prolonged into a neck.
Remarks on original description: The micro-unit employed by Bailey is 1/1000 of an English inch - i.e. 25.4 µm.
New name Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) Nigrini 1977[comment from RadWorld database]


Published descriptions

Benson 1966 - Eucyrtidium aquilonaris

Smooth test spindle-shaped, with 3-6 unequal to subequal abdominal joints separated by indistinct strictures coincident with narrow hyaline rings which in a few specimens are raised internally. Distal joint constricted, in many specimens with a hyaline cylindrical peristome which is latticed distally in a few tests suggesting an additional distal joint; middle abdominal joints the broadest. Shell wall of variable thickness (2-8 µm).Pores relatively large, subequal, generally subrectangular but circular to elliptical in some specimens, double-contoured in tests with thick walls, arranged in 1-5 transverse rows per joint, of equal size in each row, generally separated by wide intervening bars. Thorax campanulate, generally separated from abdominal region by a distinct stricture; pores similar to those of the abdominal joints. Structure of the cephalis the same as in Siphocampium cf. cornutella. Apical spine lacking or generally short, indistinct. Dorsal and primary lateral thoracic ribs indistinct. Hyaline, ventral cephalic tube more prominent than in S. cf.cornutella, not horizontal, and attached to the proximal portion of the thorax but ascends ventrally.

Measurements: based on 25 specimens from stations 27, 34, and 95: maximum length of test 111-162 µm, maximum breadth 60-80 µm; length of cephalis 14-20 µm, of thorax 18-25 µm; breadth of cephalis 15-31 µm, of thorax 38-52 µm; length of apical spine 0-12 mm, of ventral tube 6-15 mm; breadth of hyaline peristome 39-49 µm.

Remarks: Haeckel's illustration of Siphocampe erucosa Haeckel agrees in all details with the Gulf species. It has double-contoured pores, which is characteristic of tests with thick walls, and a constricted hyaline peristome. In general shape of the test, the nature of its pores and abdominal joints the following species are similar to the Gulf species except that they lack the ventral tube, a feature which in some specimens is absent or easily overlooked: Eucyrtidium tumidulum Bailey (1856, p. 5, Pl. 1, fig. 11) from the Sea of Kamchatka; E. tumidulum (Bailey) Ehrenberg (1862, p. 299; 1873b, Pl. 2, fig. 12) from the Davis Straits in the North Atlantic; E.hispidum Ehrenberg (1862, p. 298; 1873b, Pl. 2, fig. 13) from the same region; and E. euporum Ehrenberg (1873a, p. 309; 1873b, Pl. 4, fig. 20) from the North Atlantic.

Distribution: This species is nearly cosmopolitan in the Gulf. It is absent at stations 64, 99, 130, 133, 151, 194, and all those to the north. It is very rare at all stations where it is present except at stations 90 where it is nearly common (1.6%) and 95 where it is common (5.6%) and is the fourth most abundant species. Its increased frequency at the former reflects its response to upwelling along the Baja California coast, but its high frequency at the latter may be the result of lateral transport from the western Gulf margin. It responds to upwelling at no other locality in the Gulf. Its sparse distribution in the northern Gulf and its slightly greater frequency and more general distribution in the southern Gulf indicate that it is primarily an oceanic species. Siphocampe erucosa Haeckel was reported from the central tropical Pacific at Challenger station 270.This species, therefore, may be confined to tropical regions unless the species mentioned in the remarks are identical with it; then it would have a cosmopolitan distribution. \ From: Benson, 1966, p. 527-530; pl. 35, figs. 18-20:Siphocampium erucosum (Haeckel)Siphocampe erucosa Haeckel, 1887, Challenger Rept., Zool., vol. 18, pp. 1500-l501, Pl. 79, fig. 11.

Nigrini 1977 - Eucyrtidium aquilonaris


Description: Shell typically heavy, thick-walled, but early forms are not so robust. Constrictions (other than collar and lumbar strictures) unevenly spaced and all strictures usually obscure externally. Shell spindle- shaped wi th four or five post-cephalic segments, the fourth being widest. Cephalis hemispherical wi th small irregular pores; vertical tube robust, cylindrical, directed obliquely upwards at approximately 45°. Apical horn very small, needle-like. Thorax inflated with two or three transverse rows of large subcircular pores. Subsequent segments wi th three to six (usually four) transverse rows of very closely spaced circular pores. Thickness of shell makes each pore appear to have a ring around it. Shell narrows distally, terminating in smooth peristome of variable width; peristome may have single row of pores. Termination smooth or with an undulating margin.

Dimensions: Total length 110-155µ; maxi mum breadth 60-90µ.

Biogeography and Palaeobiology

Biostratigraphic distribution

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "R age group"
First occurrence (base): within Quaternary Period (0.00-2.59Ma, base in Gelasian stage). Data source: Lazarus et al. 2015 - "R age group"

Plot of occurrence data:


Bailey, J. W. (1856). Notice of microscopic forms found in the soundings of the Sea of Kamtschatka. American Journal of Science and Arts. 22(64): 1-6. gs

Benson, R. N. (1966). Recent Radiolaria from the Gulf of California. Thesis, Minnesota University. 1-577. gs

Casey, R. E. (1971c). Radiolarians as indicators of past and present water-masses. In, Funnel, B. M. & Riedel, W. R (eds) The Micropaleontology of Oceans. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK 331-341. gs

Haeckel, E (1862). Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda Radiaria). Eine Monographie. Georg Reimer, Berlin. 1-572. gs O

Haeckel, E (1887). Report on the Radiolaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. 18: 1-1803. gs O

Kling, S. A. (1973). Radiolaria from the eastern North Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 18. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 18: 617-671. gs

Ling, H-y., Stadum, C. J. & Welch, M. L. (1971). Polycystine Radiolaria from Bering Sea surface sediments. In, Farinacci, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the II Planktonic Conference, Roma 1970. Tecnoscienza, Roma 705-729. gs

Nigrini, C. A. & Moore, T. C. Jr. (1979). A guide to modern Radiolaria. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication. 16: 1-260. gs O

Nigrini, C. A. (1977). Tropical Cenozoic Artostrobiidae (Radiolaria). Micropaleontology. 23(3): 241-269. gs

Petrushevskaya, M. G. & Bjørklund, K. R. (1974). Radiolarians in Holocene sediments of the Norwegian-Greenland seas. Sarsia. 57: 33-46. gs

Petrushevskaya, M. G. (1967). Radiolayarii otryadov Spumellaria i Nassellaria Antarkicheskoi oblasti (po materialam Sovetskoi Antarkitcheskikh Ekspeditsii). [Antarctic Spumelline and Nasselline radiolarians (from materials from the Soviet Antarctic Expedition)]. Issledovanie Faunyi Morey (Akademii Nauk SSSR) Leningrad. 4(12): 5-186. gs

Renz, G. W. (1974). Radiolaria from Leg 27 of the DSDP. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 27: 769-841. gs O

Renz, G. W. (1976). The distribution and ecology of Radiolaria in the central Pacific: plankton and surface sediments. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 22: 1-267. gs

Riedel, W. R. & Sanfilippo, A. (1971). Cenozoic Radiolaria from the western tropical Pacific, Leg 7. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 7: 1529-1666. gs


Botryostrobus aquilonaris compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 25-1-2025

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