radiolaria - rads_cat - Lamprocyclas heteroporos radiolaria - rads_cat - Lamprocyclas heteroporos

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Lamprocyclas heteroporos Hays 1965

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Higher levels: rads_cat -> L -> Lamprocyclas -> Lamprocyclas heteroporos
Other pages this level: L. bajaderae, L. deflorata, L. dentata, L. hadros, L. heteroporos, L. inexpectata, L. intermedia, L. maritalis, L. maritalis antiqua, L. maritalis maritalis, L. maritalis polypora, L. maritalis teraphimis, L. maritalis ventricosa, L. matakohe, L. nuptialis, L. particollis, L. prionotocodon, L. reginae, L. saltatricis

Lamprocyclas heteroporos

Citation: Lamprocyclas heteroporos Hays 1965
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : p.179
Type specimens: pl.3, fig.1
Type repository: No number given. U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.
Family (traditional): Pterocorythidae
Family (modern): Pterocorythidae

Current identification/main database link: Lamprocyrtis heteroporos (Hays) Kling 1973

Original Description

Shell rough, campanulate, with indistinct collar stricture but distinct lumbar stricture; relative length of three joints 2.5:5:7, although in some specimens the thorax and abdomen are nearly equal. Cephalis hemispherical, pores circular to subcircular with diameter about equal to bar width. Cephalis bears a long three-bladed apical horn, as long as, to three times as long as, cephalis. Thorax campanulate, with pores similar in size and shape to those of cephalis, arranged in irregular longitudinal rows, 5-7 pores per row; pores increase in size distally. Abdomen cylindrical to slightly conical with maximum diameter just above mouth; pores large, irregular in size and shape, separated by thick bars; abdominal pores 2-3 times the size of thoracic pores. Aperture slightly constricted, 3-5 poorly developed short terminal teeth extend downward from a thick peristomal ring.

Length of apical horn 22-60µm, of cephalis 15-25µm, of thorax 48-65µm, of abdomen 55-70µm. Maximum width of shell 88-100µm, diameter of thoracic pores 4-9µm, usually about 6µm, of abdominal pores 10-22µm.



Lamprocyclas heteroporos compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025

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