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CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Siphonosphaera hyalina Caulet 1986

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Siphonosphaera hyalina

Citation: Siphonosphaera hyalina Caulet 1986
Taxonomic rank: species

Current identification/main database link: Siphonosphaera hyalina Caulet 1986

Original Description

Subspherial shell with two distal tubes and numerous very small circular pores. Extremity of tubes not latticed, perforated by small pores.

Total length, 100-130m.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: Børklund and Goll (1979) point out the problem that arise from collosphaerid taxonomy. They think that all morphotypes can be assigned to one or two genuses. Until a detailed study of tube-bearing collosphaerids is completed, it seems more reasonable to use the old genera.


Caulet, J. (1986b). Radiolarians from the Southwest Pacific. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 90: 835-861. gs

Caulet, J. (1986a). A refined radiolarian biostratigraphy for the Pleistocene of the temperate Indian Ocean. Marine Micropaleontology. 11(1-3): 217-229. gs


Siphonosphaera hyalina compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-2-2025

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