radiolaria - rads_cat - Acanthosphaera barbati radiolaria - rads_cat - Acanthosphaera barbati

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Acanthosphaera barbati Campbell & Clark 1944

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Acanthosphaera barbati

Citation: Acanthosphaera barbati Campbell & Clark 1944
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : p.15
Type specimens: pl.2, figs.7-9
Type repository: University of California, Museum of Paleontology, San Francisco
Family (traditional): Actinommidae
Family (modern): Hexastylidae

Current identification:

Original Description

Shell of moderate size, a single sphere with a few large swordlike spines scattered freely on surface, not over 10 and commonly fewer (five to nine), shorter than radius of shell (about 0.3 diameter), equally three-angled with sharp periphery, distal pointing, and broad bases; shell perfectly globular; pores circular to subelliptical, more or less uniform in size although there are a few, scattered tiny round ones and a few others, larger, result of fusion of adjacent pores, about 10-12 across a diameter, rather deeply set, fairly well spaced, with wide mats around them enclosed in a flush, line-like, subhexagonal meshwork, which in some specimens is obscure; general surface smooth, although nodes of hexagonal mesh give rise to tiny points; wall rather thin.

Diameter of shell, 140µm, of pores, 13.2µm; length of spine (tipped), 44µm.

Extra details from original publication
Distinguishing characters: Acanthosphaera barbati n. sp. has fewer radial spines than any species of subgenus. to which it is assigned save enneacantha (Haeckel, 1887). Differs from latter in that spines are shorter, irregularly disposed, and pores tend to be subelliptical rather than regularly circular. A very different species is recorded in Miocene of Maryland.

Editors' Notes
[The authors here list this species under the subgeneric name Rhaphidocapsa and include the subgeneric name in the species name.


Campbell, A. S. & Clark, B. L. (1944). Miocene radiolarian faunas from southern California. Geological Society of America, Special Papers. 51: 1-76. gs


Acanthosphaera barbati compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 19-2-2025

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