radiolaria - rads_cat - Calocycletta caepa radiolaria - rads_cat - Calocycletta caepa

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Calocycletta caepa Moore 1972

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Higher levels: rads_cat -> C -> Calocycletta -> Calocycletta caepa
Other pages this level: C. anekathen, C. caepa, C. cladara, C. mizunamiensis, C. parva, C. robusta, C. serrata

Calocycletta caepa

Citation: Calocycletta caepa Moore 1972
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : p.150
Type specimens: pl.2, figs.4-7
Family (traditional): Pterocorythidae
Family (modern): Pterocorythidae

Current identification/main database link: Calocycletta caepa Moore 1972

Original Description

Cephalis ovate, lobed, with sparse circular to subcircular pores and bearing a conical (early forms) to slightly bladed (late forms) apical horn. Thorax subspherical to campanulate, with circular pores hexagonally arranged and longitudinally aligned. External lumbar stricture absent in early forms but distinct in late forms. Abdomen lighter and more delicate than thorax, cylindrical in shape, containing subcircular to circular pores which may show longitudinal alignment and hexagonal arrangement (early forms). Late forms may have a very light, very irregularly pored abdomen that appears almost spongy. Abdomen terminates in five to fourteen triangular or spike-shaped feet which are usually very short and irregularly spaced.

Based on 30 specimens. Length of apical horn 62-130 µ, of cephalis 34-43 µ, of thorax 62-110 µ, of abdomen 43-158 µ, of feet 5-14 µ. Breadth of cephalis 34-43 µ, of thorax 101-134 µ, of abdomen (distally) 58-101 µ.

Extra details from original publication
Distinguishing characters: Only if the abdomen and terminal feet are preserved can early forms of C. caepa be distinguished from C. virginis and C. serrata. The bladed apical horn, campanulate thorax and very delicate abdomen of later forms aid in their distinction.

Phylogeny: C. caepa evolved from Calocycletta virginis near the Early to Middle Miocene boundary and Calocycletta (Calocyclior) caepa Moore continued on into the Late Miocene. It left no descendants. For generic level phylogeny see Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1992, p.31


Moore, T. C. Jr. (1972). Mid-Tertiary evolution of the radiolarian genus Calocycletta. Micropaleontology. 18(2): 144-152. gs


Calocycletta caepa compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 19-2-2025

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