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CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Phormobotrys cannothalamia Haeckel 1887

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Higher levels: rads_cat -> P -> Phormobotrys -> Phormobotrys cannothalamia
Other pages this level: P. cannothalamia, P. folini, P. pentathalamia, P. trithalamia

Phormobotrys cannothalamia

Citation: Phormobotrys cannothalamia Haeckel 1887
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : p.1125
Type specimens: pl.96, fig.25
Type repository: No information given
Family (traditional): Cannobotryidae
Family (modern): Botryocyrtidae

Current identification:

Original Description

Cephalis trilobate, of about the same breadth and length as the campanulate thorax, which is three times as long as the flat cap-shaped abdomen. The middle (or central) lobe of the cephalis is simple, nearly cubical, and smaller than the ovate occipital and frontal lobe. The two latter are prolonged into two slender cylindrical divergent tubes. Pores small and very numerous.

Length of the shell 0.l, breadth 0.05. [dimensions in mm]


Haeckel, E (1887). Report on the Radiolaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. 18: 1-1803. gs O


Phormobotrys cannothalamia compiled by the radiolaria@mikrotax project team viewed: 18-2-2025

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