Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)![]() | ||||
![]() | Rectoguembelina cretacea Distinguished by its small, elongate biserial to uniserial test, usually with two to four uniserial chambers arranged in a rectilinear fashion and bearing a simple, terminal, round to oval-shaped aperture on a short neck. | |||
Rectoguembelina sp. Specimens which cannot be assigned to established species |
The holotype and paratypes of Rectoguembelina texana Cushman and R. trinitatensis Cushman and Renz are more appropriately assigned to Bifarina because the biserial stage is only represented by two to four very globular chambers, the wall texture is hispid rather than smooth, and the apertures on the uniserial chambers alternate from one side to the other prior to the final chamber. Presently, R. cretacea is the only species placed in Rectoguembelina.
Rectoguembelina differs from Zeauvigerina by having several, rather than one, fully uniserial chambers following the biserial stage. The early ontogeny of both taxa are similar though, as the biserial chambers have an asymmetrically positioned aperture surrounded by a narrow, equidimensional lip. [Olsson et al. 1999]
Catalog entries: Rectoguembelina
Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Heterohelicidae): Test biserial, may become multiple or uniserial; chambers, globular to ovoid in shape; wall smooth or with parallel ridges; aperture, a low, symmetrical arch, usually at base of last chamber, may have accessory sutural apertures.
This taxon: Transition from biserial to uniserial portion of test very abrupt, occurring after first four or more pairs of biserial chambers, without an intervening interval of gradually increasing chamber overlap. Apertures on biserial portion interiomarginal with a small, narrow arch; apertures on uniserial chambers terminal, circular, and aligned in rectilinear fashion, without lip or toothplate. Wall calcareous, microperforate; surface smooth to finely pustulose.
Geographic distribution
Geological Range:
Notes: Maastrichtian through Zone P2. [Olsson et al. 1999]
Last occurrence (top): at top of P2 zone (100% up, 62.3Ma, in Danian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within A. mayaroensis zone (67.64-69.27Ma, base in Maastrichtian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database
Plot of occurrence data:
Primary source for this page: Olsson et al. 1999 - Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera, p. 93
Cushman, J. A. (1932). Rectoguembelina, a new genus from the Cretaceous. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(1): 4-7. gs Ehrenberg, C. G. (1854). Mikrogeologie: Das Erden und Felsen schaffende Wirken des unsichtbar kleinen selbständigen Lebens auf der Erde. Leopold Voss, Leipzig. 1-374. gs Glaessner, M. F. (1936). Die Foraminiferen gattungen Pseudotextularia und Amphimorphina. Problemy Paleontologii, Paleontologicheskay Laboratoriya Moskovskogo Universiteta. 1: 116-134. gs Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1964b). Sarcodina, Chiefly "Thecamoebians" and Foraminiferida. In, Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Protista 2, pt. C. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence 1-900. gs Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1988). Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification (Volume I-II). Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. 1-1059. gs Montanaro Gallitelli, E. (1957). A revision of the foraminiferal family Heterohelicidae. In: Studies in foraminifera; Part 1 - Planktonic foraminifera. In, Loeblich, A. R. , Jr., Tappan, H., Beckmann, J. P., Bolli, H. M., Montanaro Gallitelli, E. & Troelsen, J. C. (eds) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin . 215: 133-154. gs Olsson, R. K., Hemleben, C., Berggren, W. A. & Huber, B. T. (1999). Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. (85): 1-252. gs Sulc, J. (1929). Contributions à connaissance de la morphologie des foraminifères. Vestnik Statniho Geologickeho Ustavu Republiky Ceskoslovenske, Prague. 5: 142-149. gsReferences:
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Rectoguembelina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025
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