Globigerina angipora Stache was described from sediments collected from the lower Oligocene (according to Hornibrook, 1965) Whaingaroa siltstone of New Zealand (Stache, 1865:287, pl. 24, fig. 36a-b). Unfortunately the description and illustrations are poor by modern standards and according to Hornibrook (1965), subsequent New Zealand taxonomists (following Finlay, 1939) identified a different form under the same name. Hornibrook (1965) declared angipora a nomen dubium and erected angiporoides to incorporate those forms previously described as angipora. A full discussion of this species was provided by Olsson and others (2006). The species is a common component of early Oligocene high latitude assemblages. Olsson and others (2006) considered Subbotina angiporoides minima (Jenkins) to be a junior synonym of Subbotina angiporoides (Hornibrook), however here we recognize Subbotina minima as a distinct species. [Wade et al. 2018]
Hornibrook (1961) used the name Globigerina angipora Stache, 1865 for a taxon resembling Stache’s figures. Later, after it was confirmed that Stache’s specimens were lost he declared the species a nomen dubium and erected the name angiporoides for this taxon. The species is a common element of middle Eocene-early Oligocene austral assemblages and its extinction has been used to define the top of the Globigerina angiporoides Zone of Jenkins (1966) and the Subbotina angiporoides Zone (Zone AP13) of Stott and Kennett (1990). Jenkins (1966) distinguished Globigerina angiporoides minima as an ancestral form that is smaller and less tightly coiled with a more open umbilicus and more inflated chambers. However, these forms are very difficult to distinguish consistently and, they are here considered synonymous. Morphologic overlap of these forms is revealed by similarity of the more loosely coiled paratype of G. angiporoides (Pl.6.6, Fig. 5) with the holotype of G. angiporoides minima (Pl.6.6, Figs. 9-11) and similarity of the more tightly coiled paratype of G. angiporoides minima (Pl.6.6, Fig. 8) with the holotype of G. angiporoides (Pl.6.6, Figs. 1-3).
Blow (1979, p. 1253-1255) distinguished Subbotina angiporoides lindiensis from S. angiporoides s.str. by its less tightly coiled, less closely appressed, and less embracing chambers. Unlike S. angiporoides s.str., the final chambers of Blow’s illustrated paratypes of S. angiporoides lindiensis, though broken, are kummerform and positioned adjacent to, rather than over, the umbilicus. The holotype of S. angiporoides lindiensis, which was originally illustrated as Globigerina linaperta pseudoeocaena (Subbotina) by Blow and Banner (1962, pl. 11, fig. M) is very similar to Blow’s paratypes, except for the absence of a kummerform chamber. The chamber arrangement and presence of a broad apertural lip on all forms of Blow’s subspecies suggest that it is more closely related to Subbotina yeguaensis (Weinzierl and Applin) than to S. angiporoides. [Olsson et al. 2006]
Catalog entries: Globigerina angiporoides, Globigerina linaperta transdanubica
Type images:Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Subbotina): Low trochospiral, tripartite test, with 3-4 rapidly inflating, globular chambers in final whorl.
Umbilicus nearly closed by tight coiling.
Wall cancellate with spines at nodes of the ridges, +/- spine collars.
This taxon: Like S. linaperta but chambers more globular and final chamber usually strongly embracing, resembling a bulla and extending over the umbilicus.
Wall type:
Character matrix
test outline: | Subquadrate | chamber arrangement: | Trochospiral | edge view: | Equally biconvex | aperture: | Umbilical-extraumbilical |
sp chamber shape: | Globular | coiling axis: | High | periphery: | N/A | aperture border: | Thick lip |
umb chbr shape: | Globular | umbilicus: | N/A | periph margin shape: | Broadly rounded | accessory apertures: | None |
spiral sutures: | Moderately depressed | umb depth: | N/A | wall texture: | Spinose | shell porosity: | Finely Perforate: 1-2.5µm |
umbilical or test sutures: | Moderately depressed | final-whorl chambers: | 4-4 | N.B. These characters are used for advanced search. N/A - not applicable |
Geographic distribution
Isotope paleobiology
Aze et al. 2011 ecogroup 3 - Open ocean thermocline. Based on light _13C and relatively heavy _18O. Sources cited by Aze et al. 2011 (appendix S3): Poore & Matthews (1984); Coxall et al. (2000)
Phylogenetic relations
Most likely ancestor: Subbotina minima - at confidence level 4 (out of 5). Data source: Wade et al. 2018.
Geological Range:
Notes: The first appearance datum of S. angiporoides marks the base of middle Eocene Zone AE7 (Huber and Quillévéré, 2005). [Wade et al. 2018 NB base AE7 is equivalent to base E11]
The extinction of S. angiporoides has been used as a primary biostratigraphic marker in the high latitude zonations of Jenkins (1966) and Stott and Kennett (1990) and is used to define the base of Zone OL4 in Poore (1984) and the base of Zone AO2 in Huber and Quillévéré (2005). Subbotina angiporoides is a secondary marker in the tropical zonations of Berggren and others (1995) and Wade and others (2011). The last appearance datum is within lower Oligocene Zone O3 and calibrated to Chron C11n in multiple sites (Berggren and others, 1995). [Wade et al. 2018]
Last occurrence (top): within O3 zone (29.18-30.28Ma, top in Rupelian stage). Data source: Wade et al. 2018
First occurrence (base): within E11 zone (40.40-41.89Ma, base in Lutetian stage). Data source: Eocene Atlas
Plot of occurrence data:
Primary source for this page: Wade et al. 2018 - Olig Atlas chap.10 p.309; Olsson et al. 2006 - Eocene Atlas, chap. 6, p. 126
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