views1 pforams@mikrotax - Hendersonites pforams@mikrotax - Hendersonites


Classification: pf_mesozoic -> Heterohelicidae -> Hendersonites
Sister taxa: Heterohelix, Spiroplecta ⟩⟨ Braunella, Hendersonites, Huberella, Laeviheterohelix, Planoheterohelix, Protoheterohelix, Pseudoguembelina, Pseudotextularia ⟩⟨ Planoglobulina, Ventilabrella, Gublerina, Praegublerina, Sigalia, Racemiguembelina ⟩⟨ Lunatriella, Rectoguembelina, Zeauvigerina
Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)
Hendersonites carinatus

Hendersonites sp.
Specimens which cannot be assigned to established species


Citation: Hendersonites Georgescu & Abramovich 2009
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Guembelina carinata Cushman, 1938

Original description: Diagnosis.– Heterohelicidae with test wall flexure on the lateral sides of the test, resulting in carinate appearance.

Description.– Test is biserial throughout. Chambers are globular to subrectangular in lateral view, increasing gradually and moderately in size as added. Sutures are distinct and depressed, straight to slightly oblique to the test axis of growth. Periphery is subacute due to the development of a test wall flexure, which results in the duplication of the test wall in the periphery region. Aperture is arch-shaped, situated at the base of the last formed chamber. Two small and symmetrical periapertural flanges, rimmed or not, border the aperture on the lateral sides. Apical part can be smooth. Pustulose periapertural area is present above the aperture. Chamber surface ornamented with costae, which can be parallel to the periphery, longitudi- nal or oblique to the test axis of growth. Ornamentation thickenings can be present on the earlier chambers in the proximity of the central ‘zigzag’ suture. Test wall calcareous, hyaline perforate; pores can be simple, or situated in the center of a crater-like structure in the evolved species.

Entries in the Catalog of original descriptions: Hendersonia, Hendersonites

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Heterohelicidae): Aperture symmetrical, ranging from a low slit to a high arch at the base of the final chamber, becoming terminal in uniserial taxa.
This taxon: Biserial throughout, test compressed with a carinate peripheral margin

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of R. calcarata zone (100% up, 75.1Ma, in Campanian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within D. asymetrica zone (83.65-85.60Ma, base in Santonian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of range and occurrence data:



Hendersonites compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 26-1-2025

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Comments (2)


Hendersonites carinatus; genus is masculine

ref.: Georgescu, M. D.; Abramovich, S. (2008). Taxonomic revision and phylogenetic classification of the Late Cretaceous (Upper Santonian-Maastrichtian) serial planktonic foraminifera (Family Heterohelicidae Cushman, 1927) with peripheral test wall flexure. Revista Española de Micropaleontología. 40: 97-114.


Sounds fair, I'll ask Brian to take a look at this - Jeremy