Nannotax3 - ntax_cenozoic - Campylosphaera Nannotax3 - ntax_cenozoic - Campylosphaera


Classification: ntax_cenozoic -> Coccolithales -> Coccolithaceae -> Campylosphaera
Sister taxa: Coccolithus, Coronocyclus, Ericsonia ⟩⟨ Solidopons ⟩⟨ Cruciplacolithus, Pletolithus, Campylosphaera, Bramletteius, Chiasmolithus ⟩⟨ Birkelundia, Clausicoccus, Hughesius ⟩⟨ Craticullithus, Jeremyella, Kilwalithus

Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)
Campylosphaera dela
Narrow rimmed, arched placoliths with axial cross-bars.
Campylosphaera differta
Medium to large, elliptical to oblong Campylosphaera with a relatively narrow central area filled with broad cross-bars.
Campylosphaera eodela
Similar to C. dela but with narrow central areas largely filled by the axial cross
Campylosphaera eroskayi
Small to medium (~4-6 µm), Campylosphaera-like, broadly elliptical placolith (dark shields in XPL), with a very narrow central area filled with broad cross-bars.
Campylosphaera sp.
Specimens which cannot be assigned to any established species


Citation: Campylosphaera Kamptner, 1963
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Campylosphaera bramlettei Kamptner, 1963 Junior synonym ofCampylosphaera dela (Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961) Hay & Mohler, 1967

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Coccolithaceae): 2N: cells non-motile, bearing placoliths with R-unit extending from proximal shield to form upper/inner tube-cyle, mostly elliptical
N: cells motile, holococcolith-bearing

This taxon: Like Cruciplacolithus but the coccoliths are longitudinally arched and typically near parallel sided, and so appear oblong in outline

Farinacci & Howe catalog pages: Campylosphaera *

Search data:
LITHS: placolith, elliptical, CA: ca_disjunct, cross-axial,
CSPH: equant, monomorphic, CROSS-POLARS: V-prominent, R-prominent, rim-bicyclic,
Lith size: 4->10µm;
The morphological data given here can be used on the advanced search page. See also these notes

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of NP17 zone (100% up, 37.3Ma, in Priabonian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within NP6 zone (58.97-59.54Ma, base in Selandian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of occurrence data:


Kamptner, E. (1963). Coccolithineen-Skelettreste aus Tiefseeablagerungen des Pazifischen Ozeans. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. 66: 139-204. gs O


Campylosphaera compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 16-10-2024

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