Catalog - Blefuscuiana excelsa cumulus Catalog - Blefuscuiana excelsa cumulus

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Blefuscuiana excelsa cumulus Banner, Copestake, & White 1993

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> B -> Blefuscuiana -> Blefuscuiana excelsa cumulus
Other pages this level: B. albiana, B. aptiana depressa, B. aptiana implana, B. aptiana orientalis, B. daminiae, B. excelsa cumulus, B. globigerinellinoides lobulata, B. hexacamerata, B. kuznetsovae, B. laculata, B. laculata alobata, B. laculata laculata, B. mitra, B. multicamerata, B. occulta perforocculta, B. occulta quinquecamerata, B. praesimilis, B. rudis, B. speetonensis, B. speetonensis tunisiensis, B. whittakeri

Blefuscuiana excelsa cumulus

Citation: Blefuscuiana excelsa cumulus Banner, Copestake, & White 1993
taxonomic rank: sub-species
Type specimens: P52708
Type sample (& lithostrat): Uppermost Valhall Formation
Type age (chronostrat): Early Aptian.
Type locality: From a depth between 12,830 and 12,840 feet, Well 15/30-3, central North Sea
Type repository: London, UK; NHM

Linked specimens: London, UK; NHM (PM PF 52708)

Current identification/main database link: Blefuscuiana cumulus (Banner, Copestake, & White, 1993)

Original Description

Characterised by its high spired test, with its very convex dorsal surface, and by having 5 chambers in the last whorl. Test about 0.20mm at its maximum diameter, comprising about 2-3 whorls coiled in high trochospire. There are about 5 chambers in each of the penultimate and last whorls. The spiral side is strongly convex, and the intercameral sutures are moderately depressed, forming angles of about 135-140 degrees at the periphery of the test. The chambers are symetrical and increase in size gradually with growth, becoming depressed, being about half as high as long in the last whorl (when viewed from the spiral side). The umbilicus is small and deep, and the aperture is probably a narrow slit. Perforation-cones have not been found on this species.

From cumulus meaning a heap or pile, referring to the chambers forming the high spire.

Extra details from original publication
REMARKS. B. excelsa cumulus differs from B. excelsa (Longoria) sensu stricto by its fewer chambers per whorl the latter has at least six. B. excelsa s.s. has been recorded only from the Early Aptian; B. excelsa cumulus is also known in this study, only from the Early Aptian of the North Sea area
DISTRIBUTION. Central North Sea (Wells).


Banner, F. T., Copestake, P. & White, M. R. (1993). Barremian-Aptian Praehedbergellidae of the North Sea area: a reconnaisance. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Geology). 49: 1-30. gs


Blefuscuiana excelsa cumulus compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 15-9-2024

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