Catalog - Planomalina Catalog - Planomalina

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Planomalina Loeblich & Tappan, 1946

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Planomalina alvarezi Eternod Olvera 1959
= Laeviella tururensis
Planomalina apsidostroba Loeblich&Tappan 1946
= Planomalina buxtorfi
Planomalina blowi Bolli 1959
= Globigerinelloides blowi
Planomalina caseyi Bolli, Loeblich&Tappan 1957
= Laeviella bentonensis
Planomalina ehrenbergi Barr 1962
= Planohedbergella yaucoensis
Planomalina maridalensis Bolli 1959
= Globigerinelloides maridalensis
Planomalina mauryae Petri 1962
= Planohedbergella aspera
Planomalina mendezensis Eternod Olvera 1959
= Planohedbergella escheri
Planomalina praebuxtorfi Wonders 1975
= Planomalina praebuxtorfi
Planomalina pulchella Todd&Low 1964
= Planomalina pulchella
Planomalina rowei Barr 1962

Planomalina saundersi Bolli 1959
= Pseudoschackoina saundersi
Planomalina yaucoensis Pessagno 1960
= Planohedbergella yaucoensis


Citation: Planomalina Loeblich & Tappan, 1946
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Planomalina apsidostroba Loeblich and Tappan 1946

Current identification/main database link: Planomalina Loeblich and Tappan 1946

Original Description

Test free, planispiral, partially evolute, so that earlier coils may be seen on both sides of the biumbilicate test; chambers numerous; sutures may be limbate; wall calcareous, coarsely perforate; apertnuor peripheral, an arch at the base of the aptertural face of the last-formed chamber, with a distinct lip. 

Extra details from original publication
This genus is probably derived from Anomalina d'Orbigny by the loss of the early trochoid stage and the development of a completely planispiral test. The aperture has also become peripheral, losing the ventral extension. Planomalina, n. gen., resembles Palmerinella Bermudez in the presence of the apertural lip, and Planulina in the shape of the chambers and evolute character of the test (such as Planulina ariminensis d'Orbigny) and the position of the aperture, but Planomalina differs from both of these in lacking any trochoid development.


Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1946). New Washita Foraminifera. Journal of Paleontology. 20: 238-258. gs


Planomalina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025

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